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Update of the cause
ROLDA Romania
ROLDA Romania, Teaming Manager, on 02/02/2025  at 00:51h

Help ROLDA continue to save animals in dire need of veterinary assistance, post surgery medical care or sheltering. Watch a few videos that speak about what ROLDA is doing and why:

Meet Milashik, an 8-year-old dog who spent his life on the streets with other dogs. He was always kind and gentle, never hurting anyone. But one day, Yulia, the woman who fed him regularly, noticed something was terribly wrong—Milashik could no longer stand on his hind legs and was dragging them along the ground. Find out more here:
If you have any questions, please contact our team at

ROLDA Romania
ROLDA Romania, Teaming Manager, on 02/02/2025  at 00:51h

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Update of the cause
ROLDA Romania
ROLDA Romania, Teaming Manager, on 09/06/2023  at 10:01h

Animal rescue continues. Floods caused a nightmare in Kherson and organizations like Happy Paw and others are busy saving all animals trapped in growing waters.

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Update of the cause
ROLDA Romania
ROLDA Romania, Teaming Manager, on 28/01/2023  at 11:34h

Winter is here and the doggies from our shelter (but also thousands more we support indirectly) need your support. Ask your friends to join our group as a Teamer and together, even with micro donations, we can make our passion for animals count!

Leticia Marcuello
Leticia Marcuello, Teamer, on 01/02/2023  at 09:07h

I send you help! Thank you for your work!

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Update of the cause
ROLDA Romania
ROLDA Romania, Teaming Manager, on 16/08/2021  at 08:55h

Shop hand made items in Romania to support us!
A gift for you, a life for them.

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Update of the cause
ROLDA Romania
ROLDA Romania, Teaming Manager, on 16/08/2021  at 08:45h

Our goal is to sterilize 1500 animals from poor communities before the year ends.
With 5 campaigns organized in villages surrounding Galati (Piscu and Smardan) we reached 580 dogs and cats sterilized since the beginning of 2021: 375 dogs and 205 cats.

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Update of the cause
ROLDA Romania
ROLDA Romania, Teaming Manager, on 01/07/2021  at 20:49h

Take action to create a chain reaction ‍♀️
The incredibly simple way to save hundreds of #roldadogs
When you spend just 3 minutes to reach out to people, even if it’s only one person, you are starting a chain reaction of new ROLDA
supporters that can save hundreds, even thousands of dogs.
Do Ambassadors make a difference? Yes! Absolutely!
When you commit to spreading the word about ROLDA and Romanian strays, you are helping homeless and abandoned dogs get:
Treated (medically)
read more:

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Update of the cause
ROLDA Romania
ROLDA Romania, Teaming Manager, on 01/07/2021  at 20:34h

ROLDA is a small charity supported internationally that helps abused, neglected, abandoned dogs in one of the poorest regions in Romania. Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome homeless animals, in a responsible and humane way. ROLDA built and runs two private sanctuaries, which are a home for approx 700 dogs, a few cats and a donkey. ROLDA also runs social programs for underprivileged dog owners, providing them food, sterilization and identification for their pets.Other programs include education (the latest is creation of a coloring book which will be distributed for free for kids from rural areas), therapy with dogs for seniors, aid for working animals (donkeys and horses) from poor communities. Our biggest dream is to slowly transform our large sanctuary into a rehoming and rehabilitation center which will serve the next generations of local animal lovers (and animals in need) for years to come. We already have a name for this masterpiece: PawzUp Center. The easiest way to support ROLDA is to become a member on Teaming. For just 1 Euro/month you can provide quality food for a dog that has nobody else to help him. For 1 Euro/month you can help a hungry dog to get nutrient food which is the basic condition to keep our furry babies healthy until we find them forever homes.
ROLDA websites cover multiple subjects: from a website where you can meet our dogs, a website where you can learn more about online alerts and campaigns, a website dedicated to legacy giving, a website about crypto currencies giving (yes, we must make a step into future and cover this subject as well), a web section from where you can shop hand made items created in Romania to help animals in need. The webs section about PawzUp project is coming soon.

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Question about the cause
ROLDA Romania
ROLDA Romania, Teaming Manager, on 07/09/2018  at 09:46h

How can my gift help the neglected animals in Romania?

When our group has 10 members, that means 10 Eur raised = one dog food for a whole month.
When we'll grow to 135 members, that will cover the cost of a doghouse = Every month, we can deliver a doghouse to a dog in need only using the 1Eur donation which every member of this group gives here.

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Update of the cause
ROLDA Romania
ROLDA Romania, Teaming Manager, on 07/09/2018  at 09:41h

Doghouses are made in Italy; insulated and can accommodate up to 2 medium size dogs. Doghouses are easy to clean and disinfect. These are ideal homes for dogs tied up in chains by their owners and exposed to extreme weather conditions. Our aim is to deliver 400 doghouses in the poorest communities by the end of 2019.

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Update of the cause
ROLDA Romania
ROLDA Romania, Teaming Manager, on 07/09/2018  at 09:38h

The first 6 doghouses were delivered to the dogs from the poorest communities. Thanks to your small or bigger gifts, we can do much more. Starting today!

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