Nos dias de hoje cada euro conta muito para ajudar os outros.   Doa 1€ por mês!

Os sonhos não têm limites, pois não estás sozinho

Já somos 655 233 Teamers a doar 1 £ por mês a causas sociais. Só faltas tu!

O que nós fazemos juntos

15 543

Grupos Teaming

61 189 780 £

angariados desde que nós começamos

922 331 £

angariados em Janeiro

Sem comissões, tudo para a causa.

Alguns dos nossos Grupos Teaming

Sant Joan de Déu Hospital: for a better chance of overcoming pediatric cancer - Teaming Home

Sant Joan de Déu Hospital: for a better chance of overcoming pediatric cancer

1 372  Teamers

79 823 £ arrecadados

Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona has created a specialised paediatric cancer centre. Every year, 400 new patients are treated, where they are offered the most innovative treatments with the least possible sequelae. The hospital aims to increase the chances of a cure, in an environment where their emotional well-being and that of their families is a priority. Teamers support the precision oncology programme for children who do not respond to conventional treatments. Can you help them?

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How to awaken the memory and emotions of Alzheimer's patients - Teaming Home

How to awaken the memory and emotions of Alzheimer's patients

965  Teamers

69 587 £ arrecadados

When everything is forgotten, music is still remembered. Music connects people to places and emotions even when everything seems to be lost. The psychologists who are part of “Música para Despertar” take care of Alzheimer patients with love and music. They also train other professionals to implement this methodology to manage behavioural disorders (agitation, aggressiveness...) caused by Alzheimer's disease. Would you like to join them?

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Breakfasts to educate and protect girls in Yemen - Teaming Home

Breakfasts to educate and protect girls in Yemen

2 846  Teamers

176 414 £ arrecadados

Since the war in Yemen began, child marriage became an option again for some families. Many girls are forced to leave school and are given in marriage thinking they will be fed and secure. When that happens, their lives are like hell: with abuse, rape, and pregnancy. But if the school provides them with food, the families see an alternative. Since Solidarity without Borders has been providing breakfast in three schools, all the girls attend and have been able to avoid misery. Join them!

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Butterfly Skin: offering phsycological and nursing support to families - Teaming Home

Butterfly Skin: offering phsycological and nursing support to families

981  Teamers

72 071 £ arrecadados

People with Butterfly Skin have such fragile skin that it peels off at the slightest touch. Clothes, a hug or an everyday gesture, such as a hug, can cause injuries. The DEBRA-Piel de Mariposa Association help the families with care and emotional support from the moment they receive the news and during the whole process. Every 25 Teamers can provide 1 hour of psychological or nursing support. Would you like to be one of them?

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Now, more than ever, we support the Food Banks - Teaming Home

Now, more than ever, we support the Food Banks

1 027  Teamers

89 066 £ arrecadados

This Teaming Group was created to help the Food Banks, which are currently meeting an essential social need. The idea is simple: if you join the Group, you will support their work with €1 a month for purchasing basic food for survival. The company Crédito y Caución will match the amount: for every euro you donate, it will donate another. So, everything we raise will be multiplied by two. Would you like to join with 1€ a month?

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Josep Carreras Foundation against leukaemia - Teaming Home

Josep Carreras Foundation against leukaemia

1 625  Teamers

166 757 £ arrecadados

Five thousand people are diagnosed with leukaemia every year and it is the most common childhood cancer. We still lose 1 in 4 children and 2 in 4 adults. The organisation invests in research to change these figures and cares for the welfare of those affected by this illness. The Teamers already finance one shelter apartment that is available to patients who have to travel to be treated and their families. Two apartments could be financed with your help. Join now!

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100 Teamers = 1 life in Ethiopia - Teaming Home

100 Teamers = 1 life in Ethiopia

1 553  Teamers

142 367 £ arrecadados

Iñaki was a volunteer doctor at Gambo Hospital in southern Ethiopia. The situation of the centre and the region had such an impact on him that he decided to return as director and help to transform it. Thanks to one of the projects they have created, severely malnourished children are hospitalised for 3-4 weeks until they regain a minimum survival threshold and can start eating again. Every 100 Teamers can finance one of these stays. Would you like to be a Teamer as well?

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Juegaterapia: therapy wont stop them playing like children - Teaming Home

Juegaterapia: therapy wont stop them playing like children

1 238  Teamers

96 973 £ arrecadados

The Juegaterapia Foundation has only one goal: to make life nicer and easier for children in hospitals. They convert spaces into childrens areas, recover unused rooftops and turn them into gardens with parks, so that children in hospital can play outdoors, and create activities so that they can continue to live their childhood, despite everything. Would you like to help them?

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Open Arms: Every life matters - Teaming Home

Open Arms: Every life matters

3 584  Teamers

262 230 £ arrecadados

Since 2014, more than 20,000 people have lost their lives in the Mediterranean while looking for a safe place. Open Arms rescuers started to help on Lesbos, with no other means than their arms and flippers, with no other fear than that more people would die at sea and disappear as if they had never existed. With your Euro you will make it possible for them to continue rescuing thousands of people and giving them medical assistance in the boat. Would you offer them your help with 1€ a month?

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Alguns dos Grupos com mais novos Teamers

Fundación Santuario Gaia

Fundación Santuario Gaia

6 885  Teamers

Gaia Sanctuary Foundation is a vegan rescue and recovery center for animals considered as farm, where those who have been exploited, mistreated or abandoned, receive the necessary care to have a decent life for the rest of their lives.   Located in Camprodon (Girona) in the Pyrenees, surrounded by forests, rivers and mountains.   You could meet the inhabitants of the Sanctuary here:  Saber mais…

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Aid for Gaza | Doctors Without Borders

Aid for Gaza | Doctors Without Borders

1 543  Teamers

Following Israel's relentless and indiscriminate attacks on Gaza over several months of war, families are drinking unsafe water and going days without food. The health system has completely collapsed amid outbreaks of disease and serious injuries caused by the constant bombardment. Despite this, our teams continue to work tirelessly to save lives.  Saber mais…

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Oncología Molecular - IISA

Oncología Molecular - IISA

24  Teamers

The Molecular Oncology group at the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón (IISA Aragón) is working on new tools to diagnose and treat different types of cancer (pancreas, lung, sarcomas, metastatic breast cancer, glioblastoma, neuroblastoma and childhood brain tumours). In particular, your euro helps us in the ‘Virtual Biopsy’, to see the invisible cancer and obtain a tool for fluorescence-guided surgery. Will you join us?  Saber mais…

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Novos Grupos Teaming

Oncología Molecular - IISA


Asociación de Síndromes del Argonauta (ASAGO)


Ellas en Acción: Futuro en Thulamahashe


Isto é o Teaming

Doar apenas 1 £/mês

100% gratuito

Doações mensais

Para ajudar causas sociais

Quem pode fazer parte do Teaming?

Sem fins lucrativos

Qualquer ONG pode usar o Teaming para angariar fundos. Cria o teu Grupo Teaming e recebe doações periódicas e regulares, que se traduzem em estabilidade para os teus projetos.


Todos os colaboradores doam a quantia simbólica de 1€ por mês para ajudar uma causa social. A colaboração para um objetivo comum, a democratização da ação social para ajudar uma causa comum, como uma unidade empresarial, pode aportar melhorias ao próprio ambiente de trabalho da mesma.

Escolas e Universidades

Alunos e professores dinamizam os Grupos Teaming, encorajando a restante comunidade educativa a doar 1€ por mês para ajudar uma causa social. Com o Teaming fomentam-se os valores de esforço, continuidade e solidariedade.

Pessoas individuais

Pessoas que decidam criar um Grupo Teaming para ajudar a arrecadar fundos para um ONG, ou alguém que conheçam que precisa de ajuda. Convida os teus amigos e família a juntarem-se.

Depoimentos do Teaming

Rosa Montero

Rosa Montero

Teaming Manager em

Ajuda urgente para José María e Raquel

"No Teaming não podes contribuir mais do que um euro, mesmo que deseje fazê-lo, e este é aspeto notável sobre esta ideia: solidariedade horizontal e não paternalista É uma grande plataforma e totalmente segura. Eu já me juntei a vários grupos e criei alguns para ajudar famílias em situações difíceis. Nós precisamos de nos ajudar uns aos outros Só seremos capazes de superar esta crise se ficarmos juntos. Além disso, amanhã você pode ser aquele que precisa de ajuda"

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Eva Erill

Eva Erill

Teaming Manager de

Solidarios sin Fronteras

"Yemen vive la mayor emergencia humanitaria del mundo y Solidarios sin Fronteras es la única ONG creada en España que ayuda allí. Somos una ONG pequeña, de voluntariado, con un lema tenaz: “Insistir, persistir, resistir y nunca desistir”. Teaming nos permite hacer lo que parecía un sueño: llegar cada día a más personas. 1€ paga 128L de agua para evitar el cólera que arrasa el país. 1€ también paga 2 desayunos completos para que las familias lleven a sus hij@s al colegio y proteger a las niñas del matrimonio infantil y a los niños del secuestro como niños soldado. La grandeza de Teaming es la fuerza de su contagio. Cuando alguien conoce a alguien que hace Teaming, dice: "1€ al mes hace todo eso? ¡Explícamelo!". Y así, la "familia" crece."

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Antonio González-Barros

Antonio González-Barros

Teamer em

Casa Ronald Mcdonald Barcelona

"Eu pude conhecer a casa Ronald McDonald. Fiquei impressionado não apenas com a grande ajuda material que centenas de famílias recebem por ano, mas também o enorme apoio pessoal e emocional de compartilhar alguns dias com outros pais na mesma situação. Também me impressionou o entusiasmo, profissionalismo e valores das pessoas dedicadas à casa, às famílias e às crianças."

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Daniel Juliá Galván

Daniel Juliá Galván

Teaming Manager em

"REIR: food scholarship."

"Thanks to the Teamers who help in our Group, we have created Teaming Scholarships. We will be choosing a case of a child who has difficulties at home and help her/him with a meal in the school centre, educational materials and other expenses she/he has during the school year. With every 120 Teaming, we will be creating a news scholarship so... next year we will give two scholarships! We wish give more Teaming Scholarships in the future because a lot of children need us!"

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Iñaki Alegría Coll

Iñaki Alegría Coll

Teaming Manager em

"Alegria with Gambo (Ethiopia)"

"When the children who die starving have names, two eyes looking at you, you can't remain indifferent to their situation. For me, we are talking about Ruziya, Firaol, Abdelkarim... That's why I created my Teaming Group, to feed Nasssaneth, Meheret... undernourished children living in Ethiopia. With 1€ every month, together we can help them to overcome the malnutrition in their country. It's very hard to see a child dying who shouldn't be dying and who would survive if she/he were living in o

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Ricardo García

Ricardo García

Teaming Manager em

"Richi Foundation"

"Richi Foundation wants to give an opportunity to have a better diagnostic and a better quality of life to children and younger ones who suffer from cancer. Richi Fellows wants to achieve this with the help of our Teamers. Our goal is very specific: funding grants for doctors to specialise in specific areas of paediatric oncology. This grant will allow doctors of our country to train in Boston and come back to our country to apply the knowledge in our hospitals to help our children and families."

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Ana Bella Estévez

Ana Bella Estévez

Teaming Manager em

"Ana Bella Foundation"

"As mulheres que sobrevivem à violência de género não são o problema; somos parte da solução. Nós não somos mais vítimas; nós transformamo-nos em mulheres vitoriosas que atuam como agentes de mudança social. No nosso Programa Amiga, atuamos como verdadeiras amigas, dando apoio às mulheres durante o processo de separação, providênciando apoio emocional e económico e oferecendo-lhes um apartamento-abrigo para viverem enquanto superam o trauma. Graças aos Teamers podemos pagar as despesas de manutenção destes apartamentos."

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Rafael Pérez Peña

Rafael Pérez Peña

Teaming Manager em

Se Alba luta, eu luto

"Gostaria de agradecer a todos vocês que se juntaram ao grupo para ajudar a nossa filha Alba. Em sua memória, ajudaremos outras crianças que sofrem de cancro. Todo o dinheiro arrecadado é alocado para o laboratório de pesquisa que cuidou dela. Esta pesquisa foi capaz de obter um genoma completo de alguns tumores que a Alba e outras crianças têm, a fim de receber o melhor tratamento. O próximo passo será criar uma bolsa de investigação com o propósito de encontrar a cura total para esta doença"

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Ana Mourelo Martín

Ana Mourelo Martín

Teaming Manager em

"Talking about Duplicación Mecp2"

"No research, no cure and no quality of life for the children with the Syndrome of MECP2 Duplication. We need to continue raising funds to keep researching, especially now, when we are so close to finding a cure. Preparing solidarity events and other ways to raise funds, takes up too much time and effort, time and effort we need to look after our children. That's why your euro in our Teaming Group is so important to us. Your euro is time for us and quality of life for our children. Thank you for help.

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Esperanza De La Borbolla Puig

Esperanza De La Borbolla Puig

Teamer in

Firefighters Help

"I'm a Teamer in Firefighters Group and helping with one euro, in this easy way enriches me. My Group uses my euro to help families with serious financial difficulties. We give them fresh food coupons that we fund with the money raised in Teaming. With this coupon, they get something so common to us but so impossible for others: to have a healthy diet for the appropriate growth of the children. Moreover, these coupons can be used only in local stores so we also activate the local market. Helpin

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Fundação Teaming

Fatores que permitem que o Teaming seja 100% gratuito

Conselho de administração

O Grupo Intercom e everis formam o Conselho de Administração, e suportam a maior parte dos custos da Fundação Teaming.

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Empresas “Here we are Teaming”

Empresas que doam 1.000€ por ano. São apoios fundamentais, que nos permitem manter e melhorar a plataforma.


Teamers 4 Teaming

Temos o nosso próprio Grupo Teaming. O sonho é sermos totalmente financiados pela comunidade Teaming no futuro. Os Teamers apoiam com apenas 1€ por mês.

Junta-te a nós!