Teaming Foundation

The Teaming Foundation was founded at the end of 2011 with a mission: fostering solidarity through technology. In keeping with this aim, was launched in January 2012. The platform allows anybody to support social causes through micro-donations of 1€ per month. We want solidarity to be accessible to all and to be completely disintermediated, as every euro donated goes to the social cause. From 2016 onwards, we have also organized the Teaming Awards, which aim to reward marketing campaigns of solidarity and the effort made by social entities to raise awareness and empathy.

The Board of Trustees of the Teaming Foundation
The Teaming Foundation is chaired by Francisco Roman. The company NTT DATA, represented by Victor López-Barrantes, and Pedro Nueno Iniesta hold the vice-presidencies. Antonio González-Barros, María Jesús Villa, David Pereira, Ángel David López, Ignasi Fainé, Rodrigo Miranda, Itziar de Francisco, Koro Castellano, Carlos López Blanco and Xavier Oliver Conti complete the Board of Trustees. The non-trustee secretary of the Teaming Foundation is Albert Trias de Bes. Patricia Sánchez Delicado is the director.

How is Teaming Foundation funded?

Teaming is completely free. We don’t get any profit from the money raised through the platform, all the funds raised are destined to the social causes. And Teaming is funded by the donations from the companies of companies of our Board, the sponsors of "Here We are Teaming" and because of our own Teaming Group. And because of this Teaming Group, our dream of being self-sufficient will be possible.

Furthermore, we have an ethical commitment in the management of resources: low cost of the organisation and an austere expenditure policy.

Funding Model


Private donations by the companies in the Board. Teaming counts with the support of NTT DATA and other private donors, that fund the costs for developing and maintaining the website and the team that manages it.

"Here, we Are Teaming" companies

Private donations of 1.000€/year to help with the development and management of the website too.

Would you like to become a “Here, we are Teaming” company?

Teaming 4 Teaming

Our main initiative to make Teaming self-sufficient is our own Teaming Group. Would you like to help us with 1€/month?

Join us!

No bank charges

Banco Sabadell is the entity that makes it possible for the website to be free of commissions. Each euro donated through Teaming is a euro to help the social cause.

Our commitment

We have taken on the commitment to maintain the costs of the organisation lower than 10% of the money raised for the social causes in the website.

Small organisation

We have a professional team that takes care of the quality and provides solid base for Teaming. Moreover, we have optimized our resources and tried to complement the team with volunteers and contributors.


We have volunteers that gives their time and know-how to help with the management and growth of Teaming.

Would you like to become a volunteer?

We make agreements with companies and organisations that help us pro bono. For example, the company Btcom creates all the videos that Teaming needs for free. Another example is, has given us office space for free since April 2017.

Local Chapter

Contributors and teams from different countries for developing the local marketing in their regions. They manage their own budget.

Would you like to become a local chapter?


Comparative cost of expenses per year vs funds raised in the platform

Breakdown of the overhead expenses


People who are dedicated full-time or part-time to guarantee the adequate management of Teaming. We have people working in these areas: design, product development and marketing.

Social Security contributions and taxes

All the taxes we pay to the Spanish Administration.

Systems and domains

Infrastructure management (servers, network...).


To make the connection to website secure and encrypted (https). It’s almost the only expense where we don’t try to be austere, we need to have one of the best. SSL certificate

Legal services

All the procedures and questions to ensure the correct operations of Teaming

Accounting, labour and tax advice services

Bookkeeping and accounting management of the Foundation. Accounting software. Also, management of model 182 (certificate of donations). Payroll management. Company of labour risks.

Hardware and other working tools

Investment in hardware (new equipment or improvements of the current ones), photoshop for non-profits, Microsoft Office for non-profits… Some of these expenses are small, and others are occasional.


The space, the meeting rooms, telephone expenses and other office tasks. Since 2017, allows us to stay in their office and we just pay the operating costs.

Teaming Awards

Prizes, travel arrangements for the winners, the rent of the conference room, merchandising and drinks.

Services provided by the Board companies

During the first year, the team working on the Project were hired by NTT DATA and Grupo Intercom. Other services like systems and accounting were provided by them also. We started to be independent from 2013.


Expenses too small to be included it individually in the graph: marketing expenses (for example, our facebook ads Budget is 25€) or travelling expenses (we just fund long and essential trips).

You can review our annual report and our activity report here:

Would you like to help the Teaming Foundation?

We dream of the day when the Teaming Foundation will become completely self-sufficient because of the Teamers. If you want to collaborate with 1€/month:

Join us!