Paula Royo Pérez

Castellón, Spain

Teaming Manager in 1 Groups

Teamer in 2 Groups

Contributes every month: £2 to 2 Groups

Since 16-04-2013 has contributed £256

Groups led


€4,781 Raised

32 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   16/04/2013

La Gatera les Alqueries

We are a non-profit association. Currently, we manage the colonies in Les Alqueries (Castelló) and have some foster homes for cats. We do not have a shelter, although it is very necessary for us. If you want to meet the cats available for adoption, you can check our Instagram profile @gateraalqueries. Help us by spreading the word, donating, fostering, or adopting :) Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Groups supported


€702 Raised

17 Teamers

Teamer since:  04/04/2018

Casal Popular de Vila-real

El Casal Popular de Vila-real és un centre social autogestionat i no lucratiu que serveix com a punt de trobada per a totes aquelles que busquen trencar les barreres de l'individualisme. Un projecte aglutinador en més de cinc anys de vida, sense dogmes ni prejudicis que fomenta la participació i cooperació de la gent per construir una societat més lliure i crítica. L’assemblearisme és el model escollit com a procediment de decisió, d’igual a igual, utilitzant el consens per a la presa d’acords.

€6,455 Raised

71 Teamers

Teamer since:  16/04/2018

Asociación protectora del erizo EriSOS

EriSOS was an ong created in 2010 to work in the conservation of the native hedgehogs of Spain, the algerian and the european hedgehog, which inhabit our forests and fields. We carry out different protection projects, collect data for their study and advise individuals who find one in trouble to be able to put them to safety.