Patricia Sánchez Delicado

Barcelona, Spain

Directora, Fundación Teaming

Teaming Manager in 3 Groups

Teamer in 29 Groups

Contributes every month: £30 to 30 Groups

Since 16-01-2012 has contributed £3,273

Groups led


€3,444 Raised

27 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   16/01/2012

We save them

Hace tiempo que quiero colaborar con alguna protectora de animales para apadrinar a perros y gatos que todavía no tienen un hogar, como Adrián, el mestizo que véis en la foto y que vive desde hace 2 años en un centro. Me gustaría que la protectora con la que colaboraremos la eligiéramos entre todos. Podemos apadrinar a uno o dos perritos (cuantos más seamos más perritos podremos apadrinar), comprar materiales o alimentos que necesiten o bien hacer una donación.

€4 Raised

2 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   23/05/2019

BCN Tech City 4 Social

What can you do with 1€ per month? Very little. But... What if all the partners and collaborators of Barcelona Tech City donate 1€/month? From the Association, we have decided to launch this initiative because we believe that, together, donating the symbolic amount of 1€/month, we can help and have an impact on social projects in our city, working in the field of education and entrepreneurship. We will be donating to Fundación Exit, Fundación Adsis and Fundació Comtal.

€27 Raised

29 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   03/02/2025

Oncología Molecular - IISA

The Molecular Oncology group at the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón (IISA Aragón) is working on new tools to diagnose and treat different types of cancer (pancreas, lung, sarcomas, metastatic breast cancer, glioblastoma, neuroblastoma and childhood brain tumours). In particular, your euro helps us in the ‘Virtual Biopsy’, to see the invisible cancer and obtain a tool for fluorescence-guided surgery. Will you join us?

Groups supported


€2,927 Raised

12 Teamers

Teamer since:  08/04/2012

El equipo de Mónica

Mónica nació en el 98 con hidrocefalia. Desde este momento en los últimos 13 años ha pasado por muchas fundaciones, asociaciones y terapias naturales donde siempre la han ayudado muchísimo con trabajos increibles. Este grupo es para recaudar fondos para estas entidades. Simplemente es una manera de dar las gracias de parte de Mónica...

€625,652 Raised

3,010 Teamers

Teamer since:  11/01/2013

Si Alba lucha, yo lucho, ¿y tu?

Fundación Alba Pérez lucha contra el Cáncer infantil es el sueño de Alba, un sueño que se puede hacer realidad. Juntos hemos logrado mucho, hemos puesto una investigación sobre el Cáncer infantil, juntos hemos formado una gran familia Teaming que lucha por los sueños de Alba que son muchos, pero el principal es encontrar un medicamento contra el Cáncer infantil. AYÚDANOS CON UN SOLO EURO AL MES

€46,692 Raised

317 Teamers

Teamer since:  18/02/2013

Tod@s con Siria

Nearly 12 years of war in Syria have left a country devastated, and worse, millions of lives destroyed. But now a devastating earthquake of magnitude 7.6 hits the northwest of the country and the southeast of Turkey on February 6, leaving more than 4,000 lives in both countries. From the Islamic Relief Foundation we are on the ground providing cash grants so that those most affected can meet their immediate needs.

€32,244 Raised

350 Teamers

Teamer since:  15/05/2013

Becas Escolares Teaming

Recursos Educatius per la Infància en Risc (REIR) es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que gestiona diferentes proyectos con infancia en riesgo de exclusión social, sobretodo en Cataluña. Intenta dar una respuesta integral, de protección, con proyectos como centros de acogida, y de prevención como el Servicio Integral al Menor, desde dinde se financian becas escolares para menores en riesgo de exclusión. Actualmente tenemos una Beca Teaming y el próximo curso ampliaremos a dos dichas becas.

€73,013 Raised

987 Teamers

Teamer since:  23/06/2014

Wear your wings for the Butterfly Children

Can you imagine being afraid to hug your child? This is how the parents of Butterfly Children feel. A rare and incurable condition, which causes the skin to break with the slightest touch. DEBRA-BUTTERFLY CHILDREN CHARITY works to improve their quality of life. By joining this group you are giving them wings.

€81,158 Raised

1,381 Teamers

Teamer since:  30/01/2015

SJD Pediatric Cancer Center

The SJD Pediatric Center is the first monographic centre for paediatric oncology in Spain (2nd in Europe). 70% of the centre is devoted to care and 30% to research. It has the capacity to care for 400 children and youngsters. Its spaces are designed with the emotional well-being of the children and their families in mind. Our aim is that the children have more options to overcome cancer with less after-effects. Will you join us?

€65,343 Raised

647 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/02/2016

XAMFRÀ: Music and performance for social inclusion

An educational and artistic initiative for social inclusion. Xamfrà is a social and educational project that uses music and the performing arts to promote social inclusion in a very multicultural community. We work with people in vulnerable situations and at risk of social exclusion. Currently, 300 children and young people from 24 different countries are participating in our activities. Visit our project at

€13,286 Raised

292 Teamers

Teamer since:  11/04/2016

Niños contra el Cáncer

“Niños contra el Cáncer” es un proyecto de la Clínica Universidad de Navarra. Nació en 1982 con los objetivos de ayudar a familias con recursos insuficientes para acceder a tratamientos específicos, e investigar en la búsqueda de soluciones para vencer a esta enfermedad.

€143,862 Raised

1,547 Teamers

Teamer since:  12/06/2017


Al Sur de Etiopía, en una región rural y con muy pocos recursos económicos, se encuentra el Hospital de Gambo, hospital misionero que ofrece asistencia sanitaria a todos los habitantes de la región e incluso recibe a las personas más pobres de zonas alejadas al tratarse de uno de los hospitales más baratos del país. La población padece desnutrición severa, deshidratación, malaria, tuberculosis, sida, neumonía, meningitis, y son los niños la población más vulnerable y afectada.

€11,524 Raised

176 Teamers

Teamer since:  22/06/2017

Fundacio Isidre Esteve, Centros Puente

Somos una Fundación que trabajamos para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas con discapacidad física o problemas de mobilidad a través del deporte y la actividad física. Queremos conseguir que el máximo de personas pueden acceder al deporte o al ejercicio físico de forma integrada.

€179,176 Raised

2,844 Teamers

Teamer since:  16/08/2018

Solidarios sin Fronteras. Breakfast to educate and protect in Yemen

Yemen is living a brutal humanitarian emergency. The girls are married off in hopes that they will be fed. The boys are recruited as soldiers. Their lives are hell: rapes, pregnancies, violence. If the school provides food, families are more likely to bring them. We give milk, bread, egg/cheese/tuna and fruit to 1747 children and their lifes have changed!!. 1 breakfast =€0.56. 1month=€12,3. TOTAL 3 school/month= €21.523. Your € FEEDS, EDUCATES AND PROTECTS.

€23,477 Raised

463 Teamers

Teamer since:  18/09/2018

Ninguna madre debe morir al dar vida-Etiopía

El proyecto tiene como objetivo disminuir la mortalidad materno-infantil. Que no mueran más madres durante el embarazo y el parto por causas evitables. Para ser madre y poder vivirlo! Sensibilizar a la comunidad de la importancia de acudir a los controles prenatales y dar a luz en un centro sanitarios Formación de comadronas, dotación a los centros sanitarios rurales y hospital rural de Gambo del material necesario para atender un parto y sus complicaciones. Y transporte médico

€103,237 Raised

1,047 Teamers

Teamer since:  18/12/2018


Alba is an inteligent funny and amusing girl. Although we well could say “was”, as a terrible tragic accident happened on fateful march 21st 2016. A relative, who was in a shock due to an epileptic attack, let Alba fall from a third floor. Alba saved her life, but a strong brain damage remains on her. Now, we have a long neurorehabilitation process left ahead to see how much she can recover and become herself again a bit. Help us!

€1,416 Raised

13 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/06/2019

Associació Infinits Somriures

€3,223 Raised

42 Teamers

Teamer since:  12/12/2019

Energy Control Madrid. Drug counseling and analysis service

We offer free, anonymous and confidential advice that everyone can access to consult and answer questions about drugs and / or consumption. Since 2011, we also have a substance analysis service in order to inform about their composition and provide advice aimed at reducing risks. Due to the absence of public funding, this service can only be maintained with the solidarity contribution of those who want to bet on it.

€7,085 Raised

99 Teamers

Teamer since:  01/04/2020

No to the children's digital divide

The health crisis caused by the coronavirus revealed a much deeper crisis. Many families were not prepared for all children to follow their classes virtually, as they lacked devices and internet access at home. Currently, we continue working in this area by funding digital licenses and providing equipment to secondary school students who, due to their family's economic situation, cannot access these essential resources.

€201,700 Raised

2,479 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/05/2020

Solidarios sin Fronteras. Water For Yemen

We give DRINKING WATER to families in Yemen who were displaced from their homes by 10 years of war. Yemen is the biggest humanitarian emergency on the planet and is suffering from a cholera epidemic and shocking infant mortality. With your EURO we buy and refill WATER TANKS in IDP camps and schools. We have 50 in 4 camps and in 5 schools. More than 000 9people receive water (800 thousand litres/month). Yemen needs more water! 1€=101 litres in the north and 129 in the south. JOIN US!

€2,963 Raised

84 Teamers

Teamer since:  08/02/2021

Rebost Solidari de Gràcia

We are a neighborhood network that seeks to guarantee the right to adequate food. We don’t think of ourselves as a food bank; we go further, fighting food waste from networking, community and outreach. We started the activity on January 7, 2020 with the commitment to serve 370 users and, to date, we are already serving more than 4,000. For every 35 teamers (€ 35) we will be able to deliver a basic basket to a family of 1-2 members or a batch of specific baby products. Join us!

€77,779 Raised

862 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/03/2021

Miradas que hablan Duplicación Mecp2

Somos un grupo de niños/as que tenemos el síndrome de duplicación mecp2, que nos produce retraso mental, psicomotor y de lenguaje, insomnio, infecciones respiratorias, esteriotipias… crisis epilépticas que nos producen regresión. En el hospital Sant Joan de Deu de Bcn se investiga gracias a las familias y a las donaciones privadas para encontrar un tratamiento o cura que mejore nuestra calidad de vida.Necesitamos tu ayuda!

€4,164 Raised

39 Teamers

Teamer since:  11/10/2021

Alzheimer Catalunya Foundation

Alzheimer Catalunya Fundació is a non-profit organisation with more than 30 years of experience working to improve the quality of life of anyone affected by dementia. Its mission is to provide guidance, support and visibility to the person with dementia and their caregiving environment, with the aim of ensuring that they always live with the highest quality of life and dignity.

€29,166 Raised

906 Teamers

Teamer since:  18/05/2022

Solidarios sin Fronteras. Fighting undernourishment in Yemen

1 in 5 children in Yemen suffer from acute malnutrition (2.3 million total). 500,000 are at risk of death. Families do not have money for the hospital or for necessary food. Under Yemeni pediatric supervision we take care of serious and difficult cases. We give milk, food, medicine, medical assistance, pay hospital admissions, etc., until their recovery or improvement. €1 pays for 1 day's worth of milk for 1 baby. Every €10 we buy 1 can of milk for 4 days.

€498 Raised

26 Teamers

Teamer since:  13/04/2023

Reforestació de boscos - NTT DATA amb Osmon

Creem aquest Grup des de NTT DATA per donar suport als projectes de reforestació de l'entitat Osmon, que treballa per combatre el canvi climàtic. L'excés de CO2, que produïm i s'acumula a l'atmosfera, contribueix a l'escalfament global. Els arbres són el millor aliat, ja que absorbeixen aquest CO2, a més d'altres gasos i olors, i tornen oxigen a l'atmosfera. La reforestació és un projecte de llarg termini, ens ajudes amb 1€ al mes?

€2,431 Raised

129 Teamers

Teamer since:  27/09/2023

VOZES, música para la cohesión y la integración

We create large children's and youth choirs and symphony orchestras in socially vulnerable or marginalized environments in Barcelona. VOZES Private Foundation is a social music project dedicated to the pedagogical, occupational, and ethical rescue of children and youth through free instruction and collective music practice. We were born in 2004 and have performed 1,200 concerts, attended by over 15,000 people. We have received 17 awards including the Creu de Sant Jordi award in 2023.

€3,102 Raised

24 Teamers

Teamer since:  28/02/2024

Teaching sign language for a better inclusion in society

Miwadagbé means "Do good" in the fon language. MIWADAGBE is a Beninese NGO formed by relatives and friends for the inclusion of minors with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders and/or mental disorders. Our objective is to support the actions of this dynamic NGO, which needs support to develop its actions. Together everything is possible!

€217 Raised

27 Teamers

Teamer since:  09/07/2024

No Más Invisibles BCN

No+Invisibles es un proyecto que tiene como objetivo mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas sin hogar en Barcelona. Lo que hacemos básicamente es captar donaciones de comestibles, abrigos y dinero. Gracias a ello repartimos semanalmente 200 platos de comida (aproximadamente) en dos días diferentes.

€9,036 Raised

169 Teamers

Teamer since:  03/10/2024

NTT DATA with Ukraine

At NTT DATA, we want to show our support to our Ukrainian colleagues and all the people suffering the consequences of the war in Ukraine. More than 7 Ukrainian moved inside the country. 8 million have crossed the border. They all have become refugees, mainly women and children. Our help means food, water, blankets, tarps, cash, and legal and psychological support for them. After a year, aid is still needed for them. Join us for 1€/month!

€566,672 Raised

19,635 Teamers

Teamer since:  03/10/2024

Teamers 4 Teaming

At Teaming, more than 400,000 people Change Lives with €1 a month. For more than 10 years we have been helping all kinds of social causes to get financial help completely free of charge and constantly. Together we have raised more than 60 million euros and, as long as social causes need us, we will continue to support them. With this Teaming Foundation Group we make it possible. Will you join us?

€773 Raised

175 Teamers

Teamer since:  30/10/2024

NTT DATA stands with those affected by the cold drop

In response to the impact of the cold drop in Spain, NTT DATA colleagues have launched this Teaming initiative to support individuals and families affected by the floods and their aftermath. Together, we can make a meaningful difference by each contributing a small amount. Through the Red Cross, our support will provide immediate relief, including shelter and essential supplies, as well as longer-term assistance with recovery and rebuilding. Will you join us with just €1 a month?

€16,275 Raised

227 Teamers

Teamer since:  19/02/2025

Can Flix & Ampare

We are a non-profit associations in the area of Flix and Mora la Nova (Tarragona), we're dedicated to rescue the animals of the street so they have a second chance. Once rescued, we provide them with the necessary care, re-educate them and give them up for adoption.