Madrid, Spain
Teaming Manager in 2 Groups
Contributes every month: £1 to 1 Groups
Since 16-06-2022 has contributed £1
Teaming Manager since: 18/12/2022
La ONG Arca Tierra ambientalista y pro derechos humanos, educa, innova y asesora para cumplir la misión de solucionar el cambio climático, el crecimiento demográfico y mitigar desastres naturales con calidad de vida a través de un desarrollo sostenible y en igualdad de derechos, a través de 24 Planes Estratégicos, actualmente trabaja en el Plan 1 el Clima
Teaming Manager since: 18/12/2022
Arca Tierra is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to educate, innovate and advise to achieve its mission: solving climate change, mitigating natural disasters and expanding humanity with quality of life through sustainable development and equal rights. The world is suffering devastating natural disasters, because of negligence, millions of people are affected. Scientists warned this situation, and there are solutions, which are not being used. Help us spread innovative solutions!