Mar M.

Madrid, Spain

Teaming Manager in 1 Groups

Teamer in 7 Groups

Contributes every month: £8 to 8 Groups

Since 03-10-2019 has contributed £314

Groups led


€519 Raised

14 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   23/06/2021


soy una vecina de la zona que quiere ayudar a los gestores de colonias proporcionando pienso para sus gatos

Groups supported


€5,898 Raised

133 Teamers

Teamer since:  03/10/2019


LiliCat is a non-profit association whose purpose is to end animal abuse, discrimination against stray cats, abandonment. The money from the teaming is to save lives, give them veterinary assistance, sterilization, surgeries, euthanasia, etc. We cannot forget that WE ARE THEIR VOICE and that without your collaboration it is impossible to help them. Thank you for being there supporting us.

€99,742 Raised

1,061 Teamers

Teamer since:  21/03/2020

Madrid Felina

MADRID FELINA es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro. Somos los que sabemos que Madrid está llena de gatos olvidados y gatos buscados, gatos maltratados y gatos perseguidos. Buscamos alcanzar un sueño: Crear un centro de acogida y recuperación para gatos de Madrid, donde puedan encontrar el refugio y la oportunidad que tantas veces no les brinda y procurar una ciudad, con gatos felices, salvados y serenos y en paz, con su hábitat y con los ciudadanos.

€1,702 Raised

63 Teamers

Teamer since:  21/10/2020

Progatos Rescate Felino

Somos una asociación de rescate felino que interviene fundamentalmente en la provincia de Toledo. Ayudamos a otras protectoras, así como a alimentadoras de colonias, a atrapar, esterilizar y retornar a su hogar a gatos ferales, así como rescatar de la calle a gatos sociables, y buscarles un hogar. Mes a mes, recibirás información sobre el estado de las cuentas, así como de los rescates en los que hemos intervenido gracias a tu colaboración.

€26,624 Raised

307 Teamers

Teamer since:  21/04/2021

Animal Hope Spain

Animal Hope, it's not just an association, it's a home. A home for 80 cats rescued from abandonment, from being born and growing up in the misery of the street, a home for those that nobody wants, old men, wild and chronically ill whose adoption is very complicated. But it's not just that. Animal hope are helping hands and hearts that love more than 50 kittens that live on the streets, who are cared, atention and love Animal hope, is love. THEY ARE NOT ALONE, THEY HAVE YOU

€3,942 Raised

85 Teamers

Teamer since:  21/04/2021


Control of feline colonies in Toledo using the CER (Capture, sterilize and return cats to their respective colonies) ethical management method. The funds are intended to feed and veterinary care that may arise to improve their well-being and to put an end to feline overpopulation through sterilizations and that the situation of these animals is not so precarious on the street.

€31,018 Raised

350 Teamers

Teamer since:  21/04/2021


NUEVAVIDA (New Life) is a non-profit organization that was born from the illusion of a group of people to help the furry ones. Today we have grown thanks to you. That is why we ask you to join our Teaming, because they deserve it. We leave you the link to our website so that you can get to know us a little better: WE CANNOT CHANGE THE WORLD, BUT WE CAN CHANGE ITS FUTURE. JOIN THIS "NUEVAVIDA" TEAMING GROUP!

€1,022 Raised

44 Teamers

Teamer since:  26/04/2023

Ayuda para mantener a mis 5 burritos

Hace 5 años rescate a 3 Burritos de una situación de abandono y ahora tengo 5, mi sueño es llegar a hacer terapia con ellos y personas con diversidad funcional, mientras tanto necesito ayuda para poder sostener todos sus gastos y procurar su bienestar.