Jessica Cuypers


Teaming Manager in 1 Groups

Teamer in 4 Groups

Contributes every month: £5 to 5 Groups

Since 30-07-2020 has contributed £205

Groups led


€1,946 Raised

38 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   30/07/2020

Association Le refuge des grandes oreilles

* Rescue and protection for donkeys and other animals in case of great emergency * Our only income is: refuge's visits, walks, local events, asino-therapy. * The Covid has put a stop and the rhythm is hard to find back, putting us in a precarious financial situation. It's difficult for us to catch up with the payment of accumulated debts and assume the increase in all prices. * In order to keep going, we need you !

Groups supported


€9,159 Raised

67 Teamers

Teamer since:  04/11/2020

Association Léa

Our organisation helps sick and handicapped children and their families in many areas. We organise Christmas on December 25th in about 70 French hospitals. Facebook: Tous Derrière Léa

€186,930 Raised

2,528 Teamers

Teamer since:  26/10/2021

Solidarios sin Fronteras. Water For Yemen

We give DRINKING WATER to families in Yemen who were displaced from their homes by more than 8 years of war. Yemen is the biggest humanitarian emergency on the planet and is suffering from a cholera epidemic and shocking infant mortality. With your EURO we buy and refill WATER TANKS in IDP camps and schools. We have 50 in 4 camps and in 5 schools. More than 000 9people receive water (800 thousand litres/month). Yemen needs more water! 1€=101 litres in the north and 129 in the south. JOIN US!

€190 Raised

4 Teamers

Teamer since:  13/03/2023

Association les or'félins de villarzel cabardes

Association pour la stérilisation, le nourrissage et les soins des chats errants de villarzel, bagnoles et malves, Association avec très peu de moyens qui récupère les chatons issus de la rue afin de leur trouver une famille

€6,392 Raised

123 Teamers

Teamer since:  16/03/2023

All with the SCPA !

La SCPA (Société Carcassonnaise de protection Animale) est un refuge indépendant. Nous accueillons toujours plus de pensionnaires, chiens et chats. Et souvent, ils arrivent chez nous dans un état précaire. En parallèle, les dons et les aides se font, eux, de plus en plus rares. C'est pourquoi nous avons besoin de l'aide du plus grand nombre. Pour continuer à aider et soigner nos protégés. Pour continuer notre combat. Merci à vous !!