Isabel María Gómez Pérez

Sevilla, Spain

Teaming Manager in 3 Groups

Contributes every month: £3 to 3 Groups

Since 01-03-2019 has contributed £141

Groups led


€1,253 Raised

63 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   17/04/2020

elderly animals

Recojo animales de la calle que no tienen hogar y se encuentran en situación de abandono, maltrato, accidentados o enfermos. Los llevo al veterinario, les busco hogares temporales y cuando están preparados una buena adopción. Pido tu ayuda para poder seguir ayudándolos. Muchas gracias

€1,344 Raised

45 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   17/04/2020


We collect street animals that are homeless and are abandoned, mistreated, injured or sick. We take them to the vet, we find them temporary homes and when they are ready we provide them with a good adoption. We ask for your help in order to continue helping them. Thank you

€139 Raised

6 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   06/04/2021

Cages Dogs

Living in a kennel is not good for dogs; they suffer from stress and loneliness. We raise funds to pay for dog daycare so they no longer live in cages. Please help our cause for 1 euro per month