Teaming Manager since: 06/09/2020
We are a MASS MOVEMENT that uses NONVIOLENT civil resistance to bring about a transition to a just and sustainable plant-based food system, as an attempt to halt massive extinction, alleviate the worst effects of climate breakdown and ensure justice for animals. If you wanna know more about us, we explain it in more detail in our social media and our website
Teamer since: 25/08/2019
Santuario interespecie donde creamos día a día un hogar para animales victimas del especismo. Un Hogar donde todas las vidas son respetadas y amadas. Un espacio donde fomentamos la educación y la empatía hacia los animales y el veganismo. Todo lo recaudado irá destinado a nuevas construcciones de espacios seguros para que mas vidas puedan ser rescatadas y para urgencias veterinarias. Por sólo 1€ al mes podemos cambiar el destino de muchísimas vidas.
Teamer since: 30/04/2021
Santuario animal situado en Navarra dedicado al rescate de animales y a la concienciación sobre el bienestar animal y el derecho de todos los animales a vivir libres y sin ser explotados.
Teamer since: 30/10/2022
Rescatamos animais provintes da explotación e o abandono, recuperámolos física e emocionalmente e ofrecémoslles unha vida confortable ata a fin dos seus días. Difundimos as súas historias e organizamos visitas para dar a coñecer o mundo emocional dos animais de granxa e as súas ganas e dereito a vivir e seren respectados. Facémolo posible grazas a persoas coma ti.
Teamer since: 30/10/2022
Santuario Espíritu Libre (Free Spirit Sanctuary) it's an antispecist refuge for animals who are consider as farm animals, being exploited, abused and abandoned, and who need a second chance to live and get over not only in physically but also in emotionally terms. We are emplaced on Soria, given the lack of a space in this area of Spain for all these victims.
Teamer since: 06/07/2024
We are an animal shelter. We focus our mission above all exòtics, wild and invasive animals. We currently have more than 90 animals in our care: foxes, raccoons, horses, goats, pigs, chickens, rabbits , cats, turtles, dogs, etc. We fight to give a new life to all of them! For this reason your help is essential to us to continue saving lives❤️.
Teamer since: 03/02/2025
We are a multispecie animal refuge, we give home to more than 150 animals of 14 different species, all the animals who live here have come to us from abusive situations or because they had no other options. Our goal is that the animals that have arrived here have the best quality of life possible and with their stories people get to know them and understand that all lives matter.