Gabby Brin

United Kingdom

Teamer in 17 Groups

Contributes every month: £16 to 16 Groups

Since 10-10-2021 has contributed £574

Groups supported


€18,838 Raised

340 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/10/2021

SOS ARMS Saving Orphaned Souls Sheila's Animal Rescue Mission Romania

S.O.S. A.R.M.S. - Saving Orphaned Souls Animal rescue mission Sheila ngo based in Brasov Romania . ❣️ALL LIFES MATTER ❣️ Your monthly contribution will be so helpfull for paying rent,utilities, workers, emergencies ( dogs hit by cars, cruelty cases,abused dogs from killing shelters) , spaying projects to decrease the number of strays , to prevent unwanted puppies and victims of cruelty ) , keep full tummies. Thank you for caring ❣️

€2,548 Raised

54 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/10/2021

Tötung Sarajevo

Liebe Mitglieder Wir sammeln und holen Hunde aus der Tötungsstation in Sarajevo Diese armen Seelen werden nach 3 Wochen in der Tötung einfach umgebracht Bitte helft uns damit diese armen Tiere nicht sinnlos sterben müssen

€3,120 Raised

109 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/10/2021

Help for Jasmina and her lovely dogs

Jasmina needs help with the pension costs, food and the veterinary costs for her rescued dogs. She doesn't receive any support from the government or anything similar. This means, every single Euro is important and she would be incredibly grateful if you gave her only 1€ each month. Thank you!

€3,927 Raised

112 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/10/2021

"Lovely dogs for adoption" Families and Friends

Dear friends of the "Lovely dogs for adoption", With only 1 € per month we secure Serbian fur noses and enable abandoned dogs and of course kittens a safe home until adoption. We live with our dogs, are available 24/7 for our furry friends and families. With only 1 € you become part of the whole. We are a properly registered association in Serbia and are listed under Lovely dogs Serbia or Divni psi Srbije. Our regis number is 28313306 and the tax ID 112278920 in APR. Your lovelies

€988 Raised

28 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/10/2021


Unser Verein ist hauptsächlich in Rumänien tätig & setzt sich für eine Verbesserung der katastrophalen Zustände & Lebensumstände der Streunerhunde in öffentlichen Tötungsstationen ein. Wir betreiben ein Tierheim vor Ort mit 700 Hunden, wir führen regelmäßige Kastrationskampagnen durch, wir betreuen 4 Tötungsstationen und in unserem priv. TH werden diese Hunde med. versorgt, aufgepäppelt und wenn möglich, vermittelt. Unsere 4 aktiven Gründungsmitglieder machen dies ehrenamtlich.

€22,971 Raised

593 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/10/2021

Tierengel Burak e.V

Wir vom Tierengel Burak e.V. haben NIE Weggeschaut wenn ein Tier in Not war, aktuell befinden sich über 300 Hunde und über 50 Katzen in Unserer Obhut in Tier Pensionen. Es fehlt Uns jeden Monat an Futter weil Unsere Schützlinge kaum Paten haben IHR könntet das ÄNDERN Gemeinsam Können Wir mit NUR 1€ im Monat dafür Sorgen das UNSERE SCHÜTZLINGE satt Werden und genug zu essen haben. BITTE SCHAUT NICHT WEG UND MACHT MIT UND vergesst BITTE nicht.. "SIE HABEN NUR EUCH"

€6,504 Raised

195 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/10/2021

Bid to Save a Stray germany

Wonderland is a private Shelter in Targoviste Romania run by Cristina Paun & the UK Charity Bid to Save a Stray which Cristina is a Trustee of & funds will be paid to the UK bank account.. During years she saved more than 8.000 Dogs from death and hunger. Wonderland Sanctuary is a Home for +/- 1400 dogs & we have high monthly expenses to keep them all fed and cared for. Many People can move a lot and help us with only 1Euro to continue our Dream from a safe Place for romanian stray dogs.

€4,160 Raised

81 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/10/2021

Vergessene Seelen Curtea de Arges e.V

Wir sind ein junger Verein der sich seit Mai 2015 für mehr als 300 Hunde in Curtea de Arges ( Rumänien) einsetzt . Die tierärzliche Versorgung sowie die Futterversorgung unserer Fellnasen . Helft uns helfen....1 Euro im Monat. Ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein? Nein...viele Tropfen bringen den Stein zum erkalten.

€3,192 Raised

52 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/10/2021


The Yellow Paw e.V. is a registered non-profit association and has existed since 2021. We have set ourselves the goal of rescuing dogs from killing stations or street dogs in Romania. Stray cats are also among our protégés. We mediate dogs, in cooperation with the organization Flash Pet, to terminals with traces, EU passports and all the necessary precautions. Support us and donate 1€ for 1 life

€26,043 Raised

430 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/10/2021


Somos una asociacion sin animo de lucro dedicada al rescate, recuperacion y entrega en adopcion de perros y gatos en situacion de abandono y/o maltrato.

£530 Raised

21 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/06/2022

Save a kill shelter dog

Hi there, a very small team working together to save dogs from kill shelters that have only a few days left to live. Dogs are dragged off streets or from where they are found often abandoned and thrown in a cage, transferred into a pen where they face abuse, starvation and horrendous conditions, having had stones thrown at them, beaten or abused sometimes for entertainment. Euthanisation means beaten to death or other barbaric methods. We are their last hope so are you. Please help us.

£64 Raised

2 Teamers

Teamer since:  28/07/2022

Second Chance Dog Rescue

We are a U.K. based dog rescue, helping rescue unwanted dogs in the Balkans. We rescue any dog in need from the streets or kill shelters. Often the dogs have complex health needs and need vet care and recuperation time. Once the dogs are ready we try to find them forever or foster homes in the U.K. Alongside this we also have a spay and neuter programme ‘angel’s legacy’ which tries to stop street dogs breeding and making the problem of street dogs worse.

€1,408 Raised

23 Teamers

Teamer since:  28/07/2022

Wan Mai, baby elephant girl rescued by Lek Chailert at ENP

Rachetée par Lek Chailert, Wan Mai et sa mère Mae Mai, sont depuis le 7 juin, à Elephant Nature Park Chiang Mai Thailande. Cette petite ne subira jamais la torture pour travailler dans les camps à touristes. Si vous souhaitez suivre ses péripéties, rejoignez nous sur facebook "My name is Wan Mai my life changed when I arrived at ENP 7 june 2020"

£109 Raised

1 Teamers

Teamer since:  29/10/2022

Romanian rescue shelter welfare fund - Adjud Public Shelter

Please sign up to donate £1 to Romanian rescue shelter food funds monthly. Thanks in advance for your support.

€4,409 Raised

54 Teamers

Teamer since:  30/09/2023

Dogma's Pack

Dogma is a real dog mom! She takes care of 19 rescued dogs from different country's all by herself. Stray and shelter dogs who didn't have a chance to happiness. She gives them a live, love and medical care what's hard to do on her one! She also needs a bigger place so she can safe more dogs in need and work with volunteers. Our goal is to raise money to accomplish her dream! Those dogs count on her, I hope we can count on you! If you like our project, please join our group.Thank you!

€110,474 Raised

1,766 Teamers

Teamer since:  04/03/2024

El Valle Encantado, Posada Animal

El Valle Encantado es una posada animal, es decir, un lugar de cobijo y sanación para animales. Estamos situados en la Sierra Oeste de Madrid

€19,047 Raised

599 Teamers

Teamer since:  04/03/2024

ein Herz für Hunde - Die Mülldeponie in Bihac

Wir, der Verein „ein Herz für Hunde“ kämpft gegen die traurige Lage auf der Deponie in Bihac in Bosnien. Hunderte Strassenhunde benötigen dort täglich Futter und Wasser. Neben der täglichen Angst zu verhungern, kommt natürlich auch das ständige Leben in Angst dazu. Da dies in einer Dimension stattfindet, die wir ohne fremde Hilfe nicht stemmen können, benötigen wir immer wieder Menschen mit Herz die uns helfen und spenden möchten.