Questions about Teaming?

Teaming is a foundation, so we rely on volunteers to help us answer your questions. As we want your questions to be resolved as soon as possible, here are the most frequently asked questions with answers:

Is your question among the following ones?

To change your current account or card click here.

If you are not logged into your Teaming account, you will be asked for your email address and password to access Teaming. If you don't remember it, click here.

Only you can make this change because, for security reasons, the Teaming staff can neither visualize nor modify your account or card.

If you don't remember your password, , click here and request a new password.

You will be asked to enter the email address you registered with and we will send you instructions on how to create a new password.

In your private area, you can configure your preferences about which type of email you want to receive and which not. To access directly, click here..

You will only continue to receive the emails that are considered essential for the operation (remember password, money sent or certificates).

To get the money raised in Teaming, follow the steps below:

  • - Log in to your Teaming account (if you are not already logged in) , by clicking here..

  • - Visit your Teaming Group

  • - Just below the fundraising information, you will see a "Make a donation to the project" option (see image below).

  • - Once you click here, you will be asked: to indicate the specific destination of the funds - if you have not already indicated it -, the current account where the funds will be destined (IBAN) and the holder account. It will also ask you for two documents: the account certificate and the Teaming Manager's ID photo. .

Some things to keep in mind:

  • - You don't have to do this procedure every time you want to get your funds. If you have already ordered the transfer of your funds and you have already passed the verification process, you don’t need to do it again, unless you change any data. When you enter "Make the donation to the project", you will see a summary of the data of the transfer - amount and account - and if everything is correct, you only must click on "send donation".

  • - The money raised the 1st day of the month, can't be transferred until the 25th. However, if you have money accumulated from previous months, you will be able to transfer it at any time.

It can take between 3 to 15 working days to process a transfer if it is the first time it has been sent. If everything is correct, this review could be faster. If we need to go deeper into the case, the review may require more time.

If your transfer is not approved, you will receive an email with the reasons why we couldn’t verify the transfer and what actions we need you to take on your part. You can also access this information by clicking on the option "Make a donation to the project", which you will find on your Group's page.

Please, send an email with the subject "Delete my Teaming Group" to If your Group has funds to transfer, the Teaming staff will stop the Group until you get these funds and once transferred, it can be deleted completely.

For each Teaming Group, you can only donate 1€ per month. If you want to donate more money, you can join more Teaming Groups: you will donate 1€ for each of them. You can also contact the Teaming Manager to ask them how you can collaborate with them in a different way. Most of them will give you the option to become a member of the NGO and, also, you can make a transfer occasionally to them.

You can use the Teaming website throughout the euro zone. For European countries outside the euro zone, the platform is available, but the Teamers' bank will charge an exchange commission that varies according to their entity. Outside Europe, the platform is currently not available.

Teaming is 100% free, both for fundraisers and for those who donate their euro per month. There are also no bank charges (within the Eurozone). If you want to know how Teaming is financed, click here.

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