Asociación VICAF

Valencia, Spain

Teaming Manager in 3 Groups

Contributes every month: £3 to 3 Groups

Since 18-03-2013 has contributed £389

Groups led


€2,704 Raised

21 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   26/05/2013

Asociación Vida en el Campo Caballo Feliz VICAF

VICAF es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro cuyo fin es ayudar a tomar conciencia a las personas del trato y cuidado de los equinos, enfundados en el respeto y comprensión de su naturaleza. Colaborando con esta asociación ayudas a los caballos abandonados, maltratados y desahuciados que han sido rescatados por la Asociación. Colaboras con su mantenimiento mensual, gastos veterinarios, rehabilitación, medicación, etc. Gracias por vuestro granito de arena!

€398 Raised

2 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   07/10/2014

Colabora con la manuntención de Backer

Hello! I am Backer, I arrived at VICAF in September 2017 as a baby that was less than a year old, I have already experienced what it is to be malnourished, neglected, sad and bruised. Luckily some lovely people helped me, they gave me food, shelter, pampering and veterinary attention. They have given me a new opportunity to live with friends and in freedom. Oh! Freedom, as he longed for it, before he barely saw the sun. Now I am a self-confident horse, happy and curious.

€413 Raised

4 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   13/02/2015

Calidad de vida para Paloma :)

Paloma is the oldest mare in the Association at 34 years old, she has osteoarthritis in a posterior and is retired enjoying a dignified retreat living in freedom and with other horses. Paloma with her age has extra expenses for treatment for osteoarthritis, I think special Beste Jarhe, revision of the mouth every 6 months ... apart from the fixed expenses. Granny needs more attention with age so we ask for your help so that Paloma does not lack quality of life. Thanks for your contribution