Alejandra Jordan

Málaga, Spain

Teamer in 10 Groups

Contributes every month: £9 to 9 Groups

Since 31-03-2014 has contributed £779

Groups supported


€8,617 Raised

97 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/07/2014

Fidelio Benalmádena Rescue Shelter

Association FIDELIO is a dog rescue shelter in Benalmadena Pueblo (Malaga, Spain) we welcome abandoned and street dogs in our installations with the purpose of finding them a definitive home. We raise funds to pay veterinary bills, food, maintenance expenses and facility upgrades. We are a small refuge with no assistance except that of our donors.

€397,157 Raised

4,868 Teamers

Teamer since:  07/12/2014

Asociación Protectora Galgos del Sur

The Galgos del Sur Association is a non-profit organization located in Córdoba. We fight against the abandonment and massive sacrifice of greyhounds and hunting dogs, to raise awareness and awareness in society about this problem and give a new life looking for good families. In this group you collaborate with the expenses we have every day: veterinarians, rent, cleaning, food, etc. Keep in mind that Galgos del Sur does not receive aid or subsidies, we only have you to go on.

€27,684 Raised

461 Teamers

Teamer since:  08/06/2018

Associació Me merezco Galgo más

We are a non-profit association dedicated to rescue and bring greyhounds and other dogs, mostly discarded from hunting, from the rest of Spain and find them a suitable home here in Catalonia preferably, although we have adopters in many parts of Spain. We need help to pay for residences, transfers, feed, veterinary care, sometimes sterilizations, and other expenses for their maintenance. Thank you very much for your collaboration.

€16,485 Raised

436 Teamers

Teamer since:  19/03/2019

Amigo Galgo

La protectora ONG AmigoGalgo nació gracias a un grupo de personas que lleva más de 15 años luchando por la dignidad del galgo. Una pequeña familia de voluntarios(as) empeñados(as) en acabar con el maltrato sistemático de los galgos y en su rescate e integración en nuestra sociedad.

€122,529 Raised

1,071 Teamers

Teamer since:  03/12/2019

Asociación LASA (La Sonrisa Animal)

Somos una pequeña asociación sin ánimo de lucro, situada en Brenes (Sevilla), una zona en la que existe un gravísimo problema de abandono y maltrato hacia los animales. Carecemos de apoyo institucional, así como de refugio propio. Los perros y gatos rescatados van a parar a casas de acogida, una nave prestada acondicionada, y la mayoría a residencias de pago que nos llevan a tener gastos mensuales entre alojamiento, manutención y veterinarios que ascienden a varios miles de euros.

€180,510 Raised

2,657 Teamers

Teamer since:  03/12/2019


(GALGOS, PODENCOS, Y OTROS) Este grupo está dedicado al rescate de animales en peligro, abandonados o perdidos, que no se dejan coger. Somos particulares y no recibimos ningún tipo de ayuda ni subvención, con tu aportación de 1Euro podrás ayudar a contribuir en cada uno de nuestros rescates, en renovar y reparar material... etc. ¡¡ Tu ayuda es fundamental !!! Gracias.

€288,734 Raised

4,706 Teamers

Teamer since:  03/12/2019

Animal Rescue Spain!

We rescue abandoned and mistreated animals all around Spain. With your support, all of us together can make this possible! Just 1 euro a month can help us a lot to make these animals' dreams come true!

€88,939 Raised

1,175 Teamers

Teamer since:  11/01/2020

El Refugio del Burrito/Donkey Sanctuary Spain

We work together towards a world where donkeys and mules live free from suffering, and their contribution to humanity is fully valued. El Refugio del Burrito is actively involved in causes that encourage the application and improvement of existing laws regarding animal welfare and the promotion of education and awareness campaigns about responsible equine ownership and expert care.

€9,724 Raised

137 Teamers

Teamer since:  11/01/2020

Galgos & Podencos Cantabria

Somos una asociación constituida recientemente, tenemos casos complicados y más gastos que ingresos. Nuestra labor es rescatar galgos y podencos en situación de desamparo, curarlos tanto física como psicologicamente y buscarles una familia donde ser felices el resto de su vida. Tenemos casos bastante graves y necesitamos cualquier granito de arena que se nos pueda aportar. Gracias

€7,069 Raised

141 Teamers

Teamer since:  06/04/2020

Cuqui’s shelter

The Cuqui Shelter. We rescue and help all kinds of animals and find them the best home. Our goal is to be able to help more. The money raised will go entirely to the food and care of the animals that are in the shelter.