Vanessa Villaba

Madrid, Espanya

Teaming Manager de 1 Grups

Des del 23-03-2016 ha aportat 17 £

Grups que lidera


2.468 € Recaptats

19 Teamers

Teaming Manager des de:  08/08/2017

Colonias de Gatos de Navalcarnero

We are a non-profit association of volunteers that is dedicated to curing, feeding and helping with the CES method (Capture-Sterilize-Release) among the stray cats of Navalcarnero to control the feline population and improve their quality of life. Sterilized stray cats will not have multiple unwanted litters, they will stop suffering from heat preventing cancer of the ovaries, testicles, breast and uterus and immunodeficiency or feline leukemia. !! HELP US FROM ONLY 1 EURO PER MONTH !!.