Valientes Peludos

Málaga, Espagne

Teaming Manager de 1 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 1 £ à 1 Groupes

Depuis le 15-04-2021 il/elle a donné 39 £

Groupes qu'il/elle dirige


465 € récoltés

18 Teamers

Teaming Manager depuis :  23/06/2021

Valientes Peludos

Legally registered Association to protect abandoned or endangered animals. Our mission is to rescue abandoned animals or animals in deplorable conditions, to take them into the private homes of our volunteers until we find an adoptive family for them. The financial help we need is to cover veterinary, food, and transportation expenses. We are in a small town in Malaga but our animals can travel across the peninsula.