Granada, Espanya

Teaming Manager de 1 Grups

Cada mes aporta 1 £ a 1 Grups

Des del 06-11-2014 ha aportat 112 £

Grups que lidera


8.433 € Recaptats

66 Teamers

Teaming Manager des de:  06/11/2014

SOS Animalicos - Save one life today

From SOS Animalicos, we want to fight for the rights of abandoned animals and give them a new home. We are a small association, which currently uses private donations and contributions from the same members. We need funds to be able to carry out our work, each dog we find costs us more than € 150 and that's just to cover the basics. You can help them recover and find a new family. EVERYTHING COUNTS AND WE HAVE YOU.