Sabrina Gros

Sabrina Gros


Teaming Manager de 1 Grups

Cada mes aporta 1 £ a 1 Grups

Des del 12-05-2016 ha aportat 100 £

Grups que lidera


2.654 € Recaptats

35 Teamers

Teaming Manager des de:  12/05/2016

An Ti Loened - La Maison des Animaux

We are an association law 1901 of placement and animal protection. We collect abandoned, found, impounded animals to prevent euthanasia or removed from abuse. We collect dogs, cats, NAC and farm animals. We welcome them in different host families, we treat them, identify them, vaccinate them and sterilize them and then propose them for adoption to find them a warm and warm home.