Rebekka Benedikt


Teaming Manager de 2 Grups

Grups que lidera


203 € Recaptats

18 Teamers

Teaming Manager des de:  05/04/2023


We are a small human-animal association that helps disabled, sick, and injured animals and provides financial support to their owners when they can no longer manage on their own. You can find our stories on Facebook. As humans, we can quickly get help when we ask for it, but when it comes to our animals, there are hardly any places to turn to . It can happen to anyone, and everyone is grateful when there is someone who can help! One for all, all for one!

5 € Recaptats

1 Teamers

Teaming Manager des de:  12/04/2024

Benben Animalrescue

20 dogs are hungry, and nobody cares The project is focused on feeding and emergency care for about 20 stray dogs in Bulenga Wakiso (Uganda). Their numbers are increasing. The dogs there only have 2 people who sporadically care for them, their resources are very limited, and there are no organizations providing support. The goal is to at least ensure the food for these dogs, which is already a big challenge.