Pilar Barrero

Cantabria, Spain

Teaming Manager in 2 Groups

Contributes every month: £2 to 2 Groups

Since 03-05-2021 has contributed £78

Groups led


€9,193 Raised

274 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   10/05/2021


GATOSOS CANTABROS, NGO, non-profit association of Cantabria (Spain), which rescues abandoned and endangered cats, to take care of their physical and mental health and get them a good home. We have a refuge in Colindres where we take care of them and keep them until we find a Home where they can enjoy life again. We need personal and economic means to be able to continue every day of the year saving these precious lives.

€897 Raised

39 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   28/07/2021

GATOSOS CANTABROS - Rescate gatitos bebés

Necesitamos vuestra ayuda para seguir rescatando cachorros, muchos de ellos con apenas días de vida, abandonados en colonias de gatos ferales, tirados en bolsas de basura, abandonados en cajas, enfermos... La gran mayoría requiere de atención cada 2-3 horas para tomar el biberón para salir adelante. Los gastos económicos van en aumento y necesitamos cubrir todas sus necesidades: leche especial, desparasitación, gastos veterinarios... Ayudanos a cuidarlos hasta que encuentren un nuevo hogar.