Nuria Sanz Manrique

Barcelona, Spanien

Teaming-Manager von 1 Gruppen

Teamer in 2 Gruppen

Spendet jeden Monat: 3 £ für 3 Gruppen

Seit 29-05-2019 gespendet: 184 £

Teaming-Manager in folgenden Gruppen


4.448 € Gespendet

76 Teamer

Teaming-Manager seit:   29/05/2019

Pet shelter Peluts from Navarcles

We're a non profit organization in charge of feeding, helping and controlling cats in the streets and we've got a little pet shelter for extreme cases. However, we haven't enough resources to help all the cats in the village. Could you help us?

Mitglied in folgenden Gruppen


2.803 € Gespendet

55 Teamer

Teamer seit:  24/07/2020

Progat Ginestar

We are a non-profit association, made up of volunteers from the village of Ginestar on the Ribera d'Ebre. We have many cats and few resources. Our project is based on carrying out the CER (Capture-Sterilization-Return) program. We defend feral cats, their life in freedom and their integration into habitats they share, thus ensuring the cleanliness of the environment.

2.553 € Gespendet

40 Teamer

Teamer seit:  23/07/2022

EL REFUGI animals en adopcio del bergueda

en el refugio recogemos y ayudamos a los animales que hay abandonados , sean `perros , gatos , pajaros ,etc, enfermos , maltratados o sanos , hacemos rescates de animales que estan en peligro, o perdidos , los recuperamos y se dan en adopcion Somos una asociación sin animo de lucro, que se sustenta mediante vender manualidades , donaciones o teaming