María Lourdes Martínez Castro

María Lourdes Martínez Castro

Alicante, Espanha

Teaming Manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 3 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 3 £ para 3 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 10-02-2017 contribuiu 169 £

Grupos de que é líder


3 790 € Arrecadados

34 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  10/02/2017

Animalistas Torrevieja

Animalistas Torrevieja is a protective (NGO) that looks after the welfare of animals. Our funding is through the events we do and with this we take care of the animals we have, both ourselves and in foster homes. external cases or even a residence in case we are overwhelmed. We are trying to spread the word so that more and more donors can help our cause. Thank you for your support!

Grupos de que participa


4 567 € Arrecadados

77 Teamers

Teamer desde:  23/01/2020

¡Colabora con Prohuellas!

¡Hola a todos chic@s!, hemos creado este teaming con el objetivo de conseguir ayuda para poder costear los gastos de tenencia de animales. No disponemos de recinto, por lo que necesitamos pagar para que nos los mantengan y evitar que vayan a la perrera. ¿Te unes?, es solo el coste de una lata de cocacola al mes y hace un mundo a los peludetes

170 € Arrecadados

8 Teamers

Teamer desde:  28/09/2021

Esterilización - Hijos de Bastet

Teaming dedicado exclusivamente a la esterilización de los gatos de las colonias felinas protegidas. ¡Únete a Hijos de Bastet!

43 921 € Arrecadados

892 Teamers

Teamer desde:  09/02/2023

Syria Emergency - Spain for UNHCR

After 12 years of crisis, humanitarian needs in Syria have reached unprecedented levels. Millions of Syrians have been forcibly displaced to neighboring countries, and the more than 6 million internally displaced are struggling to overcome immense challenges exacerbated by the earthquake of 2023. UNHCR continues to support them with, among other things, stoves and fuel for generating heat, thermal insulation for tents and winter clothing.  Photo © UNHCR/Claire Thomas