Luigi Miriello

Luigi Miriello


Teaming Manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 3 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 4 £ para 4 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 28-11-2022 contribuiu 39 £

Grupos de que é líder


9 € Arrecadados

10 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  17/08/2024

Sterilizzazione randagi – LAV Reggio Calabria

La LAV è un’associazione che da oltre 40 anni si batte per l’affermazione dei diritti degli animali e lotta contro ogni forma di sfruttamento animale. Pratica e promuove il cambiamento culturale nel rapporto con gli altri animali, che porti a stili di vita e a scelte politiche fondate sul rispetto e la solidarietà versi gli essere viventi, senza distinzione di specie. Questa iniziativa è promossa dalla sede LAV di Reggio Calabria che puoi contattare al numero 3409800681

Grupos de que participa


15 764 € Arrecadados

1 081 Teamers

Teamer desde:  29/11/2022


AnimaLiberAction is an anti-species association that fights for the freedom and rights of all animals of any species. Every month we organize charity events to help the structures that house animals rescued from imprisonment and human exploitation but also volunteering, street activism, demonstrations, awareness-raising actions, projects in schools, sticking of posters, etc. Help us to cover the expenses for the realization of these projects.

53 056 € Arrecadados

1 155 Teamers

Teamer desde:  14/05/2023

Centro Recupero Ricci La Ninna

The "La Ninna" Hedgehogs Recovery Center is located in Piedmont in Novello, in the province of Cuneo in the Langhe and is a center specialized in curing the European hedgehog, in their preservation in order to reinsert them (when possible) in nature in their habitat. The idea of ​​creating a place to care for and assist the hedgehogs was born following the discovery of an orphaned hog of a few grams "Ninna", taken care of by the veterinarian Massimo Vacchetta.

354 € Arrecadados

13 Teamers

Teamer desde:  26/07/2024

Patta CatHouse ODV

Our mission is to provide love, care and support to disabled and terminal animals, guaranteeing them a dignified and peaceful life. We offer medical, rehabilitative and emotional assistance, creating a safe and welcoming environment where they can live with respect and dignity.