Liz Dickson

Alicante, España

Teaming manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 3 Grupos

Desde el 07-05-2014 ha aportado 72 £

Grupos que lidera


1.994 € Recaudados

37 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  12/04/2017

Akira Animal Shelter, Benissa, Alicante.

Animal Charity Akira se formó en 2011 y abrió un refugio en 2016. Los ayuntamientos de Benissa y Teulada Moraira otorgan una asignación mensual para cubrir los costos de funcionamiento, pero esto es menor que el costo de las facturas veterinarias para los perros, por lo que AKIRA necesita donaciones para ayudar a mantener a los perros. Constantemente recaudamos fondos, pero usted podría ayudar ahorrando 1 euro por mes para ayudar a proporcionar un entorno seguro y afectuoso para los perros.

Grupos en los que participa


3.221 € Recaudados

29 Teamers

Teamer desde:  07/05/2014


We are a tiny animal rescue charity based in rural Southern Spain. We do our best to help the poor street animals here. Dogs are abandoned, mistreated and unwanted. It’s a grim life for them begging for food to survive. The dogs we rescue live with their foster carers before being adopted. Every year we find forever homes for dozens of dogs and puppies. We survive on donations and can only carry on this work through the generosity of our supporters. Please can you spare 1€ a month? Thank you.

1.465 € Recaudados

9 Teamers

Teamer desde:  01/07/2014

Andreas animal rescue

We are a non profit making organization and we care for animals that have been abandoned by their owners, having rescued them we bring back to health and arrange for them to be adopted. We specialize in the care of donkeys and will help any animal that is in need of care, and we have horses, dogs, cats, sheep, pigs, rabbits and ginny-pigs We need to raise money for veterinary costs and food. We are the only charity in Murcia area caring for all animals, will you please give 1€ per month

12.556 € Recaudados

194 Teamers

Teamer desde:  29/03/2017

TANAMERA Hunting Dog Rescue

Tanamera rescues, rehabilitates and rehomes Spanish hunting dogs. Without exception, they enter our shelter being only skin and bones and food is their first need. Our refuge suffers to pay the food bill for our dogs, that often need special food (liver / heart problems, recovery & puppy food). On average we need 335 euros PER MONTH to be able to give them the food they need. We need your help to ensure we can feed our dogs, not only today, but every month. Please help us feed them. Thank you!