Laureà Miró Bretos

Laureà Miró Bretos

Barcelona, Spagna

Teaming Manager di 1 Gruppi

Teamer in 1 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 2 £ a 2 Gruppi

Da 08-12-2020 ha contribuito 66 £

Gruppi che amministra


961 € Totale raccolto

25 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   08/12/2020

ànimaL: we're animal soul

ànimaL (pun meaning animal soul in catalan) is a non-profit association in the Maresme area. We are vegan activists who dedicate our time and energy to a more ethical and conscious world. Thanks to your monthly euro, the association will be able to continue growing and carrying out awareness-raising tasks on veganism. Thank you! You can find out more about us on the website

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


575 € Totale raccolto

28 Teamer

Teamer da:  07/12/2022

Associació Gats Amics Aiguamúrcia

Gestionar i tenir cura de les colònies de gats del municipi d'Aiguamúrcia aplicant el mètode CER. Gestionar y cuidar las colonias de gatos del municipio de Aiguamurcia aplicando el método CER.