Laura Alberdi

Laura Alberdi

Asturias, Spain

Teaming Manager in 1 Groups

Teamer in 2 Groups

Contributes every month: £3 to 3 Groups

Since 14-07-2018 has contributed £218

Groups led


€15,511 Raised

111 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   14/07/2018


Somos una asociación sin ánimo de lucro formada por un reducido grupo de voluntarios. No tenemos albergue ni recibimos subvenciones de ningún tipo. Nuestro objetivo es sacar a la mayor cantidad posible de animales de la calle y encontrarles un buen hogar. Hay muchas formas de ayudar: adoptando, acogiendo, donando, difundiendo.. Todo suma. Aquí os dejamos una pequeña muestra del trabajo que realizamos (verlo por favor):

Groups supported


€9,078 Raised

140 Teamers

Teamer since:  14/07/2018


Soy una particular, que cuido colonias de gatos, alimento, trato y recojo para adopción, no tengo subención ninguna, yo sola no puedo con tanto gasto. El fin de formar este grupo es para recaudar dinero principalmente para gastos veterinarios y farmacia. Aportando 1 euro al mes, ayudarias a un montón de gatitos.

€478,855 Raised

11,696 Teamers

Teamer since:  15/11/2018

Teamers 4 Teaming

We help more than thousands of social causes to make their projects possible every day. Since we launched Teaming, we have raised more than 50 Million of Euros for them, totally free of commissions. We have created this Teaming Group to help Teaming Foundation to keep helping others with this platform. Among other supports, thanks to the Teamers of this Group, Teaming is totally free. Our dream: to be self-sustaining because of this Group. Would you like to join us?