Juan Antonio García Molina

Juan Antonio García Molina

Madrid, Espanya

Teaming Manager de 1 Grups

Teamer de 2 Grups

Cada mes aporta 3 £ a 3 Grups

Des del 30-07-2019 ha aportat 132 £

Grups que lidera


1.052 € Recaptats

46 Teamers

Teaming Manager des de:  25/09/2022

Neydan, a warrior against SMA

Neydan is three years old and apart from being a very smart and funny boy, he suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) type 1, a group of genetic diseases that damage motor neurons. Despite this, Neydan is doing a great job and his treatment is having incredible results. This year school has started! Although Social Security pays for his treatment, we need help for his rehabilitation and the expenses associated with the treatment: travel, equipment, etc.

Grups on participa


64.588 € Recaptats

534 Teamers

Teamer des de:  30/07/2019

Xana puede

Soy Xana, tengo 14 años, y soy maravillosa, pero como todo no puede ser perfecto, tengo Parálisis cerebral, y llevo una traqueotomía para respirar, y una válvula para la hidrocefalia. Pase un año en la UCI, y por todo eso aún no hablo, pero soy muy peleona, así que seguiré luchando! Mis padres han creado este grupo, para poder costear las terapias que necesito que son muchas! Gracias! Podéis visitarme en www.facebook.com/xanapuede.

25.530 € Recaptats

286 Teamers

Teamer des de:  27/08/2019

Protectora de Animales Anahi Gran Canaria

The ANAHI Animal Protector Gran Canaria does impressive work. Despite a lack of resources, they have rescued dogs from terrible conditions, some with very little chance of survival, and they have brought them back to life in an amazing way. Volunteers face an uphill struggle to keep helping dogs: donations are in short supply, but cases of abandonment and mistreatment keep increasing. PLEASE, WE REALLY NEED YOUR HELP. Web: www.anahidogrescue.org