Isabel Siñeriz

Asturias, Spain

Teaming Manager in 1 Groups

Teamer in 4 Groups

Contributes every month: £4 to 4 Groups

Since 01-07-2022 has contributed £96

Groups led


€265 Raised

31 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   21/09/2023

Gateras de Ventanielles

Somos la asociación Gateras de Ventanielles. Un grupo muy pequeño de personas que nos encargamos de alimentar, castrar y cuidar de los gatos del barrio y alrededores.

Groups supported


€26,704 Raised

331 Teamers

Teamer since:  01/07/2022

ADAGA. Asociacion de Amigos de los Gatos

ADAGA (Oviedo) es una Asociación Protectora de Animales que desde el ambito privado está involucrada en el mundo de los grandes olvidados: los gatos. Sin ayudas oficiales ni subvenciones de ningun tipo, se sostiene gracias a la colaboracion altruista de personas de buena voluntad, que mediante donaciones, apadrinamientos, como socios.. nos ayudan en este proyecto que empezó hace mas de 20 años. Eso nos permite sacar adelante un humilde y viejo albergue, hogar de una población media de 70 gatos.

€502 Raised

18 Teamers

Teamer since:  01/07/2022

Planeta Miau - Colonia felina en Asturias

Planeta Miau was born to take care of our feline colony in Asturias. We have been taking care of the cats of the colony for more than 7 years. Giving them food, veterinary attention and of course also company and affection. We need your contribution to be able to continue working with them and give them the best life possible: We have also given cats for adoption, looking for the best possible family that always loves them. Help create a better Meow Planet with just € 1!

€1,211 Raised

20 Teamers

Teamer since:  15/12/2022

Huellas Callejeras Noreñenses

Asociación de Noreña sin ánimo de lucro para ayudar a los animales abandonandos,alimentar las colonias de gatos,castrar,proporcionar atención veterinaria y buscar adopciones

€182 Raised

15 Teamers

Teamer since:  12/12/2023

Hope for Michis

I want to improve the living conditions of a colony of kittens. I would like to raise funds to be able to sterilize them. This would prevent offspring from being born in poor condition that end up dying after a few months. I would also like them to have a better quality of life. From providing deworming pills to being able to take them to the vet if they hurt themselves. Help me help them, together we can make this world a better place.