Giulia De Marco


Teaming Manager de 1 Groupes

Teamer de 1 Groupes

Depuis le 31-01-2023 il/elle a donné 11 £

Groupes qu'il/elle dirige


212 € récoltés

52 Teamers

Teaming Manager depuis :  04/02/2024

Esperanza Group: on the front line for invisible and forgotten dogs

They have no one, they only have us. Forgotten, invisible dogs, who grow and die in everyone's indifference, in a kennel cage. Our project was born in July 2022, and with it Asteria was reborn, after 12 years of imprisonment. After her we saved 6 other dogs, all with a sad story behind them, now happily loved ❤️ The funds raised are used to support the expenses of the pension where we take these souls. For every 150 teamers we can guarantee one month's pension

Groupes auxquels il/elle participe


89 € récoltés

10 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  20/01/2024

Progetto Casa Codine Felici

Ogni giorno supportiamo volontari in tutta Italia. Ci occupiamo di adozioni, cure e di riempire ciotole che senza il nostro supporto rimarrebbero vuote. Cani e gatti in difficoltà, anziani e disabili: figli dell'indifferenza, hanno bisogno di tutti noi. Al costo di meno di un caffè, ci aiuterai a realizzare grandi cose. Unisciti a noi!