Sara Bejarano Hernandez
Sara Bejarano Hernandez, Teaming Manager, on 25/03/2020  at 23:42h

Dear Teamers, we really hope that you and your families are well and in good health.
In these difficult times we are living, the kids at Dewellie's home wanted to let you know that they are very concerned about coronavirus. In the video below they remind us the preventive measures to fight against the virus and to stop the transmision.
Sadly, they know very well the suffering and fear we are living nowadays in Europe. In 2014-2015 Liberia was the most affected country by the ebola epidemic.
Please be safe! Stay at home and follow the preventive recommendations. Hopefully we will defeat this virus soon if we all work together, as a team.
The kids at Dewellie's home, Martha Dewellie and the Teaming managers are sending you our best wishes <3

Maite Guinaldo Rodríguez
Maite Guinaldo Rodríguez, Teamer, on 26/03/2020  at 10:03h

Qué majos!
Espero que no llegue allí.

Sara Bejarano Hernandez
Sara Bejarano Hernandez, Teaming Manager, on 27/03/2020  at 01:37h

Muchas gracias, Maite, los niños han hecho el video con mucha ilusión. Esperemos que efectivamente esta pandemia no afecte mucho en Liberia, porque no tienen apenas medios y hace unos años, en 2014-2015 sufrieron muchísimo con el ébola.
El día 16 de Marzo se declaró el primer caso de coronavirus en Liberia y ojalá se tomen medidas a tiempo y se detenga la transmisión. Os mantendremos informados.
Muchisimas gracias por tu colaboración, Maite! Cuídate mucho.

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