ESPARGATS Esparreguera

Barcelona, Espanya

Teaming Manager de 1 Grups

Cada mes aporta 1 £ a 1 Grups

Des del 31-05-2019 ha aportat 64 £

Grups que lidera


8.236 € Recaptats

196 Teamers

Teaming Manager des de:  31/05/2019

ESPARGATS · Esparreguera with the cats

ESPARGATS is a non-profit association, formed by volunteers, and created to manage and control cat colonies in Esparreguera (Barcelona). We also rescue cats that have been abandoned or that live in the street and we look for a home for them through responsible adoptions. Our motto is Adopt, don't buy, save lives, that's why donations go entirely to the association's expenses, every paw is a big step! Join, share, spread the word @espargats (IG, FB).