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Eduardo Santana Abadía

Zaragoza, Spain

Teaming Manager in 3 Groups

Teamer in 8 Groups

Contributes every month: £9 to 9 Groups

Since 15-04-2016 has contributed £1,076

Groups led


€116,133 Raised

1,238 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   25/04/2016

El Hogar Animal Sanctuary Foundation

When you rescue abused animals, you must provide a safe area where no one can harm them again, a shelter that protects them from the cold, rain and sun. Build pipes so they can drink clean water and an electrical installation in case you have to take care of them at night, or keep them warm. To get THE safe HOME that these almost 300 animals need, we only have our hands and your donations. Your monthly euro can help us achieve this.

€48,448 Raised

607 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   30/10/2017

Veterinary expenses El Hogar Animal Sanctuary Foundation

The El Hogar Foundation was the first sanctuary in Spain and many of the animals that arrived as babies are now grandparents. This means that individual palliative care for animals with different abilities is one of our hallmarks. If you also believe that grandparents of all species have the right to age with dignity, and need more care and pampering, this is your Home. With just one euro you can help us take care of them. Thank you very much.

€766 Raised

14 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   07/04/2018

Anonymous for the Voiceless Zaragoza

Anonymous for the Voiceless is an animal rights organization that specializes in street activism. Through videos of standardized practices, we expose to the public what has been intentionally hidden from them regarding animal exploitation, and we offer an alternative based on a vegan lifestyle, more ethical for animals, more sustainable for the planet and healthier for people.

Groups supported


€21,205 Raised

298 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/07/2016

Bigotes Callejeros

Bigotes callejeros is a cat protector from Zaragoza that was born to respond to the needs of a specific colony. Little by little, the work was expanded and was established in 2016. The association's work is to ensure particularly vulnerable cats: abandoned cats, kittens, injured, sick or run over cats, cats that are disowned by their families, etc. . We also run CES on our own. With only 1 euro we can do wonders! CAN YOU HELP US?

€3,052 Raised

28 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/12/2017

Felinos en apuros. Colonia felina en La Acebeda

Since 2017, given their situation, I have been involved in helping homeless cats, taking care of their diet, veterinary needs, doing REBs and managing sociable cat adoptions. I receive no institutional support. If you care about homeless cats, I would really appreciate your helping me continue to help them by joining Teaming. You can also make a contribution to: ES90 0049 0366 2722 1010 9003 Banco Santander

€4,372 Raised

50 Teamers

Teamer since:  29/01/2018


Fomentamos el respeto y el cuidado de los animales a través de la conciencian y el activismo social como medios para erradicar el abandono y el maltrato. Somos solo dos personas para controlar las colonias callejeras de Biescas, esterilizar, alimentar, recoger a algún cachorro que encontramos, cuidar de los 5 perros que tenemos en adopción. Estamos muy en precario en todos los sentidos. OS NECESITAMOS.

€16,626 Raised

124 Teamers

Teamer since:  19/02/2018

Refugio Txorierri

Somos un grupo de chicas de casa de acogida, tenemos nuestras casas llenas de peludos recojidos de la calle o sacados de la perrera y al ver que no damos a vasto queremos crear un refugio con el que poder salvar mas animales de los que caben en nuestros hogares y proporcionarles una vida digna asta que los adopten tambien necesitamos voluntarios para pasearlos y darles el cariño que esta sociedad les a negado se que hay mucha buena gente comprometida con los animales y nos ayudareis a consegirlo

€46,371 Raised

787 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/04/2022

Apao Cat

Apao Cat es un santuario de gatos, donde viven gatos minusvalidos, sin patitas, sin ojos, positivos, no importa como sean, solo que necesiten un lugar donde se les protega y se les quiera. La mayoría de gatos que llegan a nuestro santuario se quedan para siempre, porque no son gatos sociables o porque tienen enfermedades que los hacen invisibles, por eso nuestro proposito es darles la mejor vida posible.

€9,713 Raised

101 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/04/2022

SANTUARI APAO CAT-Ayúdanos sufragar gastos econó

Apao Cat es un santuario que acoge a gatos con problemas y de la calle: mayores, enfermos, positivos, con minusvalías. Tenemos de media unos 180 gatos y nos llegan muchas peticiones de ayuda y auqnue atendemos a muchos casos no podemos acoger a todos los que nos piden. Nuestros gastos veterinarios y de alimentación son muy altos, las instalaciones son cómodas y adaptadas para que vivan lo mejor posible y por eso necesitamos mucho la ayuda de la gente para poder seguir adelante con nuestra labor.

€96,964 Raised

1,167 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/11/2022

El Refugio del Burrito/Donkey Sanctuary Spain

We work together towards a world where donkeys and mules live free from suffering, and their contribution to humanity is fully valued. El Refugio del Burrito is actively involved in causes that encourage the application and improvement of existing laws regarding animal welfare and the promotion of education and awareness campaigns about responsible equine ownership and expert care.

€6,217 Raised

91 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/11/2022

PELUSAS Asociación Protectora de Animales

PELUSAS es una Asociación protectora de animales ubicada en Cuarte de Huerva (Zaragoza). Participamos en la educación de los niños en valores animalistas, y la difusión del respeto y la empatía por los animales, para comprender mejor sus formas de comunicación y necesidades. Realizamos campañas de prevención del abandono de animales. Promovemos la acogida, el apadrinamiento y la adopción de animales y mantenemos en funcionamiento un refugio Canino y varias colonias CES