Teamer seit: 10/08/2020
Since 2004 our project has rehabilitated and released into the wild over 150 orphan brown bear cubs in need from all over Europe. It's the only project of its kind on the continent. If not for our project, these cubs would face a lifetime of captivity in zoos, sanctuaries, or even worse, they would be euthanized. Your donation helps us recover more cubs in need, provide them with food, medical assistance, tracking equipment after release, and cover expenses of transport and other necessities
Teamer seit: 18/09/2020
Siamo un gruppo che si occupa del benessere degli animali, li accogliamo a prescindere dall'età malati e non , li allatto amo li sveziamo e cerchiamo una sistemazione idonea ad ogni singolo animale...sosteniamo anche i cani e gatti del sud bisognosi....
Teamer seit: 18/09/2020
AMAAR es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que rescata gatos y perros en estado de abandono y maltrato. Funcionamos con casas de acogida a las cuales les proporcionamos todo lo que necesitan. A los animales que acogemos les damos amor y protección y buscamos un adopción responsable para ellos. Puedes colaborar con ayuda económica, con comida para gatos y perros (pienso, latitas, leche) o bien donando aquello útil y que no necesites para vender en los rastrillos. Toda ayuda es bien recibida!
Teamer seit: 18/09/2020
Asociacion Animalista de Torremolinos, para la implementacion del metodo CES y la ayuda de los animales en situacion de abandono y/o vulnerabilidad.
Teamer seit: 18/09/2020
My name is Carmina, and I have been rescuing stray kittens for many years. Little by little, I have specialized in nursing kittens and small kittens that arrive very sick or injured. All this work requires a lot of effort, time and money in veterinarians, medicines, milk, dry food and cans, and just for that I need a little help. Will you join me on Teaming? You can follow all my adventures on my Instagram account @carmingr.
Teamer seit: 18/09/2020
La Caseta dels Gats is a project that was born in Tarragona in September 2014. Our goal is to provide a safe place, care, food and affection to cats that are rescued from the street. Our space is available to animal protection associations with which we collaborate in the management and control of feline colonies. We do not want any cat to be on the street while looking for a home for him, but we need collaboration to bear veterinary and food costs.
Teamer seit: 18/09/2020
Seit 2010 kümmern wir uns um zwei Katzenkolonien. Wir sind Privatleute und unter euch und Ihrer Hilfe machen wir ihnen ein erträglicheres Leben. Wenn jemand mit einer Spende helfen möchte, können Sie sich an unsere E-Mail-Adresse wenden: Dir allen von Herzen zu danken, die Teil der Gruppe sind und denen, die kommen, ohne deinen kleinen Beitrag wäre das schwieriger. Eine Umarmung vom ganzen Team!
Teamer seit: 21/01/2021
Stérilisation des chats errants, abris en solide et hermétique, nourrissage journalier, soins. Sociabilise chats errants peureux et les fait adopter; recueille les abandonnés. Les fonds récoltés servent à construire un enclos sécurisé pour héberger des chats sauvages victimes de maltraitance. Ils seront nourris tout en ayant un grand espace de liberté. Il faut prévoir les travaux de sécurisation, les frais administratifs, les équipements, la nourriture journalière et les frais vétérinaires
Teamer seit: 10/03/2021
The Costa Animal Society, Spain. Helping abandoned and mistreated animals in Nerja and the surrounding area since 1986. Run solely by volunteers, we receive no official funding so donations are always welcomed. If you join us, your euro a month will go towards the veterinary care (including vaccinating, neutering and microchipping) of cats and dogs that have been found abandoned or abused in the Nerja and surrounding area of the Costa del Sol in Southern Spain.
Teamer seit: 10/03/2021
Por qué me hice rescatista? No sé. Lo dejas casi todo: tiempo con tu familia, tu energía, el dinero,tantas lágrimas,sobre todo.Dejas cosas muy importantes de tu vida para salvar la suya. Muchas veces te quieres rendir, éste es el último rescate de este mes”, te dices. Pero llega otro, y otro, … y sigues. Por qué? Porque miro sus caras, y siento su pena. Y cuando adoptáis y los veo felices, calentitos, durmiendo en vuestros brazos en el sofá… veo que valió la pena! Tu aportación nos ayuda ...
Teamer seit: 09/01/2023
Everyone Matters ist ein belgischer Tierschutzverein, der streunenden, ausgesetzten, vernachlässigten oder einfach verwilderten Katzen hilft. Wir kümmern uns um die Sterilisation, die Gesundheitspflege, die Reparatur von Sanitäranlagen, stellen ihr Vertrauen in den Menschen wieder her und lassen sie schließlich zu neuen Abenteuern aufbrechen. Ihre Spenden helfen uns, den täglichen Bedarf unserer geretteten Tiere zu decken, die oft in schlechtem Zustand ankommen...
Teamer seit: 09/01/2023
Good morning everyone! This project was created to give a leg to abandoned, neglected, mistreatmented, or in imminent danger animals. That's why, despite the embarrassment for asking, to continue helping, i need a hand, because no matter how hard i try, i can no longer do it alone. The objective is to manage to maintain and cover, at least in part, the veterinary expenses that the current collections cause, in order to be able to give them an outlet and continue to help everyone we can.
Teamer seit: 07/03/2023
Association Protection Animale Loi 1901créée en 2013. Notre but: - Limiter la prolifération des chats errants par la stérilisation. - Leur donner un statut de "Chats Libres" par identification - Prélever les chatons afin de les faire adopter. - Nourrissage et suivis sanitaire.
Teamer seit: 07/03/2023
La tua donazione aiuterà anche persone in difficoltà economica, come pensionati e disoccupati che a causa della crisi economica non riescono più a sostenere le spese per una corretta alimentazione del proprio animale domestico. Evitiamo così che siano costrette ad abbandonare il proprio cane o gatto. Per NOI un cane o gatto è parte integrante della famiglia. La TUA donazione è un atto di civiltà.
Teamer seit: 07/03/2023
Heaven a eu la chance d'être recueillie par une super petite asso du Nord. Plein d'autres comme elle aimeraient avoir cette chance ... Pour aider cette super asso, ses bénévoles, ses familles d'accueil tous super dévoués !
Teamer seit: 04/03/2024
Aiutiamo animali malati e incidentati, diamo loro una possibilità,diamo voce agli invisibili,meritano una vita diversa.
Teamer seit: 04/03/2024
Micilandia&co has been created in Sardinia as a project to try and give a saying to those whom don’t have one. Saving someone’s life, saves the whole world, so help us saving more. Help us giving them a safe shelter waiting for their furrever home. Go on and find out how you can help us ❤️
Teamer seit: 04/03/2024
Siamo una piccola associazione della provincia di Como ! Ci occupiamo di randagismo felino.. Colonie, gatti con problemi mamme e cuccioli.. Il nostro progetto e creare un'oasi Felina dove poter inserire soprattutto gatti felv e fiv.. Reparto cuccioli reparto degenze ecc..