Consuelo Anguis Flores

Consuelo Anguis Flores

Jaén, Espagne

Teaming Manager de 1 Groupes

Teamer de 3 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 4 £ à 4 Groupes

Depuis le 15-11-2014 il/elle a donné 245 £

Groupes qu'il/elle dirige


9 133 € récoltés

104 Teamers

Teaming Manager depuis :  08/12/2014

Animal shelter Magina Animal

We are a modest non-profit association, which does not receive subsidies from any official body. Since 2008 we have helped to find families of abandoned animals from our city. We have around 100 dogs collected and we lack the means to feed them and give them the veterinary attention they need, so we ask you to join our group. For only 1 euro per month, you can help us with their diet and care. Thank you for your help. MAGINA ANIMAL.

Groupes auxquels il/elle participe


17 280 € récoltés

694 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  30/01/2019

The Animal's Home

Organización sin ánimo de lucro. Asociación Protectora de Animales y Plantas cuyo objetivo es rescatar,dar atención veterinaria y buscar familias a animales que se encuentren en situación de abandono o hayan sido maltratados. Estamos especializados en el rescate de perros mal catalogados como Potencialmente Peligrosos

7 236 € récoltés

201 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  26/03/2020


We are a New Association, we are dedicated to the fight for animals in any area of Spain, until recently we could more or less with everything, our rescued animals, cats collected from the street, but right now we can not yet with everything, they are too many expenses, since they are not only those that we have in our houses but to all those that we help to have a new life. With your help it will be a little easier for us to continue helping the animals.Thanks.

407 € récoltés

80 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  25/03/2024


Necesitamos acabar nuestro albergue nuevo, para ello nos queda terminar los muros de los patios y hacer algunos recintos más, por eso solicitamos vuestra ayuda, para que nos ayudeis con 1€ al mes hasta que consigamos los 10.000€ aprox que nos faltan, después este teaming se cerrará, quedando solamente el de ACUNR.