Teaming Manager dal: 22/03/2017
In Nepal, menstruating women are isolated in huts. During those days of the month they cannot enter the house. They cannot touch the water, they hardly eat, and they are alone. A brutal practice that causes deaths from hypothermia, suffocation, snakes and rapes. By offering menstrual cups and an educational program in schools you can make this stop. With the menstrual cup, girls begin to sleep at home and face the menstruation taboos in their communities.
Teaming Manager dal: 21/01/2020
High school payment, and day-to-day support to prevent child marriage in Achham. This project is based on the premise that for each year of school we can delay the marriage age of girls in rural Nepal by 2 years. In Be Artsy, the last years we have decided to give girls who work or volunteer with us in the Rato Baltin project (Red bucket) a chance and have no money to continue with higher education, which would lead to forced marriage. Help us reach more girls!
Teamer da: 24/10/2018
Diamo ACQUA POTABILE a famiglie a lo Yemen che soffrono la guerra di oltre 8 anni. Lo Yemen è la più grande emergenza umanitaria del pianeta e soffre di un'epidemia di colera e di un'orribile mortalità infantilee. Con il tuo EURO acquistiamo e riempiamo SERBATOI ACQUA nei campi per sfollati e nelle scuole. Attualmente ne abbiamo 50 in 4 campi e 5 scuole, e più di 9.000 persone ricevono acqua. Lo Yemen ha bisogno di più acqua! 1€=101 litri nel nord e 129 nel sud. UNISCITI Abbiamo bisogno di te