Antonio Marín Sandoval

Murcia, Spain

Teaming Manager in 1 Groups

Teamer in 1 Groups

Since 25-07-2015 has contributed £36

Groups led


€5,622 Raised

39 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   25/07/2015

ACE Asociación Conquistando Escalones

La Asociación Conquistando Escalones la forman afectados de la Distrofia Muscular LGMD1F. La mutación genética que la causa, hace inmune al SIDA. Una alianza médica internacional busca la cura para millones tras un descubrimiento sin precedentes.

Groups supported


€97,025 Raised

1,076 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/01/2018


Alba is an inteligent funny and amusing girl. Although we well could say “was”, as a terrible tragic accident happened on fateful march 21st 2016. A relative, who was in a shock due to an epileptic attack, let Alba fall from a third floor. Alba saved her life, but a strong brain damage remains on her. Now, we have a long neurorehabilitation process left ahead to see how much she can recover and become herself again a bit. Help us!