Annelies Nooijen


Teaming Manager de 2 Groupes

Teamer de 3 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 5 £ à 5 Groupes

Depuis le 27-05-2018 il/elle a donné 258 £

Groupes qu'il/elle dirige


14 662 € récoltés

220 Teamers

Teaming Manager depuis :  27/05/2018

Be our GaGa Friend

(ENG) To support the dog shelter GaGa Animal Care on Lesbos! Our continuous projects: * shelter and care * neutering and sterilisation of dogs and cats * education * feeding programs // (NED) Support voor de hondenopvang GaGa Animal Care op Lesbos! Onze doorlopende projecten: * opvang en verzorging van honden * sterilisatie en castratie van honden en katten * educatie * (winter) voer programma's

1 710 € récoltés

22 Teamers

Teaming Manager depuis :  26/11/2018

GaGa Animal CARE: Cat Action Rescue Eresos

Part of the GaGa Animal Care charity is "Cat Action & Rescue Eressos (CARE)”. Bringing together the amazing work that has been developed and achieved over many years in Skala Eressos, Lesvos. CARE ensures that the cats in Skala Eressos receive the best possible (medical) care and organises and facilitates health and sterilisation programmes that work to maintain a more healthy and stable population.

Groupes auxquels il/elle participe


10 426 € récoltés

148 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  27/11/2018

We Are Here Lesvos

Foundation We Are Here Lesvos helps stray dogs in Lesvos. With a few volunteers we try to improve their living circumstances by making sure they have food, stop their procreation and protect and treat them for diseases. We help them with a dry and safe place to sleep by providing self made dog houses. Dogs that won't survive as strays will be relocated and found a loving home. Pups that have been dumped or stray dogs that won't survive on the streets will get a better future this way.

3 100 € récoltés

47 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  22/08/2022

VZW Adopted Lovers

Zoals eerder vermeld werken we niet meer samen met de shelter in Roemenië, we zouden graag de opbrengst van deze teaming gaan besteden aan de zorg voor Bouly de sharpei. Hij heeft dringend een operatie nodig en speciaal voer en shampoo voor zijn huid. Hopelijk zijn jullie het hier mee eens, hij kan alle hulp gebruiken, Gr. Team Adopted Lovers

1 601 € récoltés

24 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  17/04/2023

Donkey-Center Lesvos

We are a non profit making organization and we care for animals that have been abandoned by their owners, having rescued them we bring back to health and give them a place to get old in a good way. We specialize in the care of donkeys and dogs. We need to raise money for veterinary costs and food. We are the only donkey shelter on Lesvos, will you please give 1€ per month.