Ángeles de la Noche

Málaga, Spagna

Teaming Manager di 1 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 1 £ a 1 Gruppi

Da 01-08-2018 ha contribuito 63 £

Gruppi che amministra


843 € Totale raccolto

30 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   01/08/2018

Ángeles Malagueños de la Noche

We are a Malaga NGO dedicated to helping those in need. The Ángeles Malagueños de la Noche were born out of an increasingly pressing need, food care for those most in need. We have a soup kitchen in the heart of Malaga and daily we distribute about 1,000 servings of food between breakfasts, lunches and dinners ... Can you help us change social reality? Learn more about us at: https://www.angelesdelanoche.org/quienes-somos/nuestra-historia/