ACPA Loiret 45


Teaming Manager di 1 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 1 £ a 1 Gruppi

Da 05-01-2017 ha contribuito 100 £

Gruppi che amministra


2.119 € Totale raccolto

27 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   05/01/2017

ACPA - Loiret 45

The Association The Heart on the Paw for the Animals is a non-profit association 1901 law. There are still too many rodents and usual pets abandoned in France. It's necessary to act ! We wish to see the end of abandonments, torture, abuse and experimentation on our proteges. The goal of our association is to take in neglected rodents that other structures can not keep on. We offer them roof, adapted food, medical care, and especially affection !